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[Enjin Archive] A sad day for Minetownians
Started by [E] OdNebuula

temp bans at a max - im just wondering why jallaf didnt just ban the kid from mumble channel before it went this far? (again i am noob to mumble so idk if he can even do that)
I've seen this happen well too many times in well too many places and the results have never been good.

Unfortunately, all we can do now is wait.
Ghostass wrote:
temp bans at a max - im just wondering why jallaf didnt just ban the kid from mumble channel before it went this far? (again i am noob to mumble so idk if he can even do that)

Sayomie stated in one of the appeals that there were people in the channel at the time who were able to ban him. Yet no one did.
Ghostass wrote:

@final I think it is reasonable. No we may not have been there, or seen the video, but Ive hung around the forums and the server enough to know that lucy and jallaf for sure would not just bully some one without reason. If this kid was going around being a tool advertising his server trying to buy out our mods - then something was going to happen. granted what happened may not have been the optimal response, but he came here trying to get a poor response so he could do just this. Im sure he read the rules over and over trying to find a good way to walk them into this corner. Im not saying they are innocent, Im just trying to prevent more of the senior(fun) players from being perma banned if it can be avoided.

I see where you are coming from perfectly. Unfortunately I tend to look at things as rationally as I can, but within a scope of legality. If this were a real life court case, I do not see it ending in acquittal. There were other options (Cauldweller getting kicked/banned) that could have been implemented. Simply ignoring him could have worked. From a purely outside point of view (which is what I believe I have) I understand the banned players' actions but can't fully say they have been wronged.


A permaban would be extreme in my eyes, but there are consequences for everything. I mean I feel there is a good chance my brother could've been permabanned for simply taking stems by mistake had Fettuccini not stepped in on his side. This is much more serious than that.
I personally feel LucyLooseLegs should be unbanned, because the laugh wasn't the worst thing that happened, and she has proved she is better than that...

As for Arvaloth, and Okifool, they deserve what they got. As staff, they are supposed to maintain a professional attitude, and cyber bullying does NOT fit into that category. CauldWeller probably egged them on, but they should have dealt with the issue in a way that would help the situation. Going off to Cuss, Insult, and tell Cauldweller to 'go kill himself' was the WORST way to deal with the situation.

This is just my opinion.

This could result in a TEMP ban, but I feel they should be demoted. If they are still capable of proving themselves staff, then they can prove it in game.

jallaf was muted... so I have no idea why he is involved, in this ban. I see no proof showing he made the situation what it was.
First I don't have op on mum and in the vid I am muted .. And I asked him to leave or he will get banned .. And again cauld had me muted
This has been dealt with. Jallaf is unbanned and lucy will be unbanned in a week.
What about the other 2?
I already stated that I didn't want to be unbanned and accept my punishment.
arvaloth your more of the man i wish i was when i got banned my hats off to you. you will be missed dear friend LONG LIVE ARVALOTH!