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[Enjin Archive] A sad day for Minetownians
Started by [E] OdNebuula

HolySm0kes The Great wrote:
What is Bullying????

I think this is the question we need to ask our community, Through my whole whopping 18 years of life I was taught that bullying or to be bullied was unacceptable and I'm sure most of you were as well but were you ever taught WHAT bullying actually is? Ive concluded that bullying is when One or multiple people continuously seek out and harass for no reason what so ever accept to be mean. Whether this be verbally or physically. It is not considered bullying when you stick up for yourself or react to someones actions. This is real life and people react in certain ways, you cannot go around and call someone a bully just by them reacting to your actions. BULLYING IS WHEN YOU SEEK SPECIFIC PEOPLE OUT TO DO HARM TO THEM. "Don't mess with the bulls if you don't wan the horns". This is what i think about bullying and based on previously heard conversations.

This is entirely correct. In this situation (again, Im going off of what information has been posted) the reactions cant really be considered bullying. If anyone was a 'bully' in this situation, it was the guy who Cauldweller (or whatever his name is). Its fairly obvious he was behaving inappropriately, which caused the whole situation. Calling the reactions that people had to him 'bullying' seems rediculous and is based on (apparently) one sided evidence made by the culprit to make himself out to be a 'victim'. This seems like an obvious troll and intentional attempt on his part to cause just this situation to happen.
LucyLooseLegs wrote:
HolySm0kes The Great wrote:
What is Bullying????

I think this is the question we need to ask our community, Through my whole whopping 18 years of life I was taught that bullying or to be bullied was unacceptable and I'm sure most of you were as well but were you ever taught WHAT bullying actually is? Ive concluded that bullying is when One or multiple people continuously seek out and harass for no reason what so ever accept to be mean. Whether this be verbally or physically. It is not considered bullying when you stick up for yourself or react to someones actions. This is real life and people react in certain ways, you cannot go around and call someone a bully just by them reacting to your actions. BULLYING IS WHEN YOU SEEK SPECIFIC PEOPLE OUT TO DO HARM TO THEM. "Don't mess with the bulls if you don't wan the horns". This is what i think about bullying and based on previously heard conversations.

You're exactly right.

All I have to say to this is:

Bull + red cape = bad idea.

If you repeatedly poke a bull in the nuts enough, its going to poke you back.

i think if u poked a bull in the nuts once ur gonna get 'poked' back and its not gonna be like a poke on fb...
Good lord, all of you are making assumptions without hearing the video, use logic from what we know. You guess it was borderline bullying, not feel.

The only things I can mildly speculate on without hearing the video are these:

A banned member for not the first time joined mumble and advertised his server.

The mods did not ban him, Cauld trolled, and everyone went back at him.

He secretly recorded the conversation.

Why did he secretly record if not to get the mods in trouble?

Since he's done this multiple times, why didn't other staff ban him?

Did he include the entire conversation?

It's easy to bias a video in your favor, but much harder to contest a ban with one. This video would have to be atrocious.
I dont think that who ever got banned, intended to get banned. In my thought they were not focusing on if they are going to be banned but by telling the guys to stop being annoying. (In a more harmful way, but still)

Cmon guys, we lost some good people, to 1 person that wanted help on his server. (he should'v just gone to a minecraft forum or bukkit or something and posted on the forums for help)

I have been caught IRL bullying because i asked this guy whether i can have $2 for the tuckshop, next day i got called to the office for a 5 day suspension.

I did not intend to do it, but i also thought the other guy was a douche bag. Like seriously, everyone at school asks for tuckshop money. (In australia)

Oops, stay on topic.
i support jallaf and the crew =.=. the kid started recording after he was messing with them to get them mad and riled up =\
its just goes to show you that the people who are out to harm MT out of jealousy, can and will (in the right circumstances) hurt our community.
What everyone seems to be missing here is that yes the situation may have been set up by Cauldweller, but carried out by those who are now banned. I would imagine the staff wouldn't ban anyone, especially mods, unless the evidence supported it. Right now all this speculation is like people watching the news playing jury in a trial. It isn't reasonable. Whether baited or not certain actions were taken by the accused. From a legal standpoint I would have to lean towards this not being entrapment, but an unfortunate situation for all involved. Further evidence could change that opinion of course.
Sequel_Sentry wrote:

Did he include the entire conversation?

I don't think he did, I was in the channel playing Starwar. Listening to them talking but not reading what cauld was typing.From reading all it After i got done playing he was asking for it , Poking at Arvaloth (Which is never good), Oki And jall.. Which I don't know what he said do to i have him muted...

But there was things said that should not have but i see/hear bulling going on in the server when Mods are on and in mumble when some are in the room.As for lucy I don't Remember her even saying anything beside giggling at something Arv said.
Sequel_Sentry wrote:
Good lord, all of you are making assumptions without hearing the video, use logic from what we know. You guess it was borderline bullying, not feel.

The only things I can mildly speculate on without hearing the video are these:

A banned member for not the first time joined mumble and advertised his server.

The mods did not ban him, Cauld trolled, and everyone went back at him.

He secretly recorded the conversation.

Why did he secretly record if not to get the mods in trouble?

Since he's done this multiple times, why didn't other staff ban him?

Did he include the entire conversation?

It's easy to bias a video in your favor, but much harder to contest a ban with one. This video would have to be atrocious.

i make my assumptions based off of the testimony of the people being banned. all of them are more than willing to admit their faults, and all are apologetic. I see no reason why I should not believe them over someone who has already been perma banned and still manages to harm our server.

@final I think it is reasonable. No we may not have been there, or seen the video, but Ive hung around the forums and the server enough to know that lucy and jallaf for sure would not just bully some one without reason. If this kid was going around being a tool advertising his server trying to buy out our mods - then something was going to happen. granted what happened may not have been the optimal response, but he came here trying to get a poor response so he could do just this. Im sure he read the rules over and over trying to find a good way to walk them into this corner. Im not saying they are innocent, Im just trying to prevent more of the senior(fun) players from being perma banned if it can be avoided.
Final_7ruth wrote:
What everyone seems to be missing here is that yes the situation may have been set up by Cauldweller, but carried out by those who are now banned. I would imagine the staff wouldn't ban anyone, especially mods, unless the evidence supported it. Right now all this speculation is like people watching the news playing jury in a trial. It isn't reasonable. Whether baited or not certain actions were taken by the accused. From a legal standpoint I would have to lean towards this not being entrapment, but an unfortunate situation for all involved. Further evidence could change that opinion of course.

This is why I think the result should still be temp bans. While yes, they seem to have been intentionally provoked, the situation was not handled appropriately at all and should never have been allowed to get to this point, as I said before.