HolySm0kes The Great wrote:
What is Bullying????
I think this is the question we need to ask our community, Through my whole whopping 18 years of life I was taught that bullying or to be bullied was unacceptable and I'm sure most of you were as well but were you ever taught WHAT bullying actually is? Ive concluded that bullying is when One or multiple people continuously seek out and harass for no reason what so ever accept to be mean. Whether this be verbally or physically. It is not considered bullying when you stick up for yourself or react to someones actions. This is real life and people react in certain ways, you cannot go around and call someone a bully just by them reacting to your actions. BULLYING IS WHEN YOU SEEK SPECIFIC PEOPLE OUT TO DO HARM TO THEM. "Don't mess with the bulls if you don't wan the horns". This is what i think about bullying and based on previously heard conversations.
I think this is the question we need to ask our community, Through my whole whopping 18 years of life I was taught that bullying or to be bullied was unacceptable and I'm sure most of you were as well but were you ever taught WHAT bullying actually is? Ive concluded that bullying is when One or multiple people continuously seek out and harass for no reason what so ever accept to be mean. Whether this be verbally or physically. It is not considered bullying when you stick up for yourself or react to someones actions. This is real life and people react in certain ways, you cannot go around and call someone a bully just by them reacting to your actions. BULLYING IS WHEN YOU SEEK SPECIFIC PEOPLE OUT TO DO HARM TO THEM. "Don't mess with the bulls if you don't wan the horns". This is what i think about bullying and based on previously heard conversations.
This is entirely correct. In this situation (again, Im going off of what information has been posted) the reactions cant really be considered bullying. If anyone was a 'bully' in this situation, it was the guy who Cauldweller (or whatever his name is). Its fairly obvious he was behaving inappropriately, which caused the whole situation. Calling the reactions that people had to him 'bullying' seems rediculous and is based on (apparently) one sided evidence made by the culprit to make himself out to be a 'victim'. This seems like an obvious troll and intentional attempt on his part to cause just this situation to happen.