Srry but what is a lava furnace and how do u build and use one?
Barney, it was linked in the OP
sayomie wrote:
When a Sawine dies he now drops 5 Powered Creepers 

I don't want to be on his funeral now...
egg/spawner thing not working...
So does this mean if I come across a spawner in a dungeon now I will be able to break it and get an egg but not make a spawner afterward? I'm not too concerned about the crafting part, I just don't want to break a found spawner and have it get wasted getting nothing in return.
sayomie wrote:
Gurgash wrote:
I was told yo uwould be working on fixing the redstone glowstone covertor so they are breakable again? just wondering if this is a confirmed thing you guys are working on or not...Really hoep so <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> lol or im ognn have a lot of useless soulsand <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I have made the changes and it should take effect after the next restart
Seems there has been a restart, but this does not appear to be working. Or I'm doing it wrong...
Okay, I will try the glowstone thing again, but is there a different way it need to be done now? Some peoples are working, but if i make a new one myself its doesnt...maybe theres a new way it needs to be done?