Can't believe no one's suggested this already...Do we already have something like this or something? Because I've never seen it
Name: Sky World
Type: Main-style survival, maybe with reduced danger, or used for whatever else
Public: All
Generator: Custom algorithm (NOT the old skylands of minecraft)
Description: With the new height limit of 256, the concept of a vertical world can be taken to new heights (haha). This would have to be a custom-generated world with a completely re-written algorithm, where there is no bedrock either above or below the world. There would be broken-up islands of land (of variable size) with flatter tops and highly vertical undersides, containing lakes, waterfalls, trees, etc., essentially a kinda-sorta paradise world. Alongside the land, there would be puffy 3D clouds, ranging from little wisps to towering masses, made up either of existing blocks like wool or snow or some custom unbreakable item (which could possibly be nonsolid, though I think it'll be fun to be able to walk on them). Another idea is if we could make the existing clouds 3D and have them float by, though I think it'll be better to have the former. As for falling, I think the fall speed should be reduced, jump height boosted, the "gliding" capability greatly increased, and fall damage turned of altogether. This way, it won't be impossible to get around easily. Also, when you fall past the map and into the void, you should either be spat back down to the main world or, what I like more, teleported to the top at your current position, giving a sense of infinity to the world (remember, there will be 256 blocks of stuff between top and bottom. You won't be able to see though the whole depth at once!). There should be some sort of generated structures like sky bridges analogous to nether forts, which connect landmasses and contain some sort of goods. I personally think the danger level should be reduced relative to the main world, but it could go either way. I just want it to be something that showcases extreme verticality and looks totally mesmerizing.
Images: I know these aren't minecraft, but they get the point across. Don't say this can't be done in minecraft; the nether is a pretty mesmerizing cave world to me despite the limitations of blocks: get the point XD
Name: Sky World
Type: Main-style survival, maybe with reduced danger, or used for whatever else
Public: All
Generator: Custom algorithm (NOT the old skylands of minecraft)
Description: With the new height limit of 256, the concept of a vertical world can be taken to new heights (haha). This would have to be a custom-generated world with a completely re-written algorithm, where there is no bedrock either above or below the world. There would be broken-up islands of land (of variable size) with flatter tops and highly vertical undersides, containing lakes, waterfalls, trees, etc., essentially a kinda-sorta paradise world. Alongside the land, there would be puffy 3D clouds, ranging from little wisps to towering masses, made up either of existing blocks like wool or snow or some custom unbreakable item (which could possibly be nonsolid, though I think it'll be fun to be able to walk on them). Another idea is if we could make the existing clouds 3D and have them float by, though I think it'll be better to have the former. As for falling, I think the fall speed should be reduced, jump height boosted, the "gliding" capability greatly increased, and fall damage turned of altogether. This way, it won't be impossible to get around easily. Also, when you fall past the map and into the void, you should either be spat back down to the main world or, what I like more, teleported to the top at your current position, giving a sense of infinity to the world (remember, there will be 256 blocks of stuff between top and bottom. You won't be able to see though the whole depth at once!). There should be some sort of generated structures like sky bridges analogous to nether forts, which connect landmasses and contain some sort of goods. I personally think the danger level should be reduced relative to the main world, but it could go either way. I just want it to be something that showcases extreme verticality and looks totally mesmerizing.
Images: I know these aren't minecraft, but they get the point across. Don't say this can't be done in minecraft; the nether is a pretty mesmerizing cave world to me despite the limitations of blocks: get the point XD