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[Enjin Archive] How on earth do you get into the main world not guest???
Started by [E] robeagle

PS dunsjohn that was Very offensive...mainly becuase i have a disablities (not very bad but still) its not helping me when i have reading problems a bit and understanding problems if you cant take that into consideration i want my money back for buying minecraft Sorry but if you cant be kind to me ive quiting still i will give it all another chance ...
robeagle, none of us who have posted are moderators. And no moderator has said anything to you that was rude. I have checked your post history, so don't lie about this. Everyone has been trying to help you. If you're referring to the mod that banned another player, tough luck for that person. If you break the rules, you get banned. Simple. If you can't accept that, then don't apply to Minetown. Sorry to say that. Rules exist for a reason, and I'm sure everyone will agree with me. Luckily you aren't a member yet so I am not sure if you can be jailed for the ban appeal post.
D= im not getting jailed plus i read the rules im bad at remembering things everyones being mean to me (Thank you people who are helping me)

Now moderators i forgot to read some of the rules becuase most of the time they never have that meany to im reading them now...-_- so dont jail me and Jail me in real life or not real life? becuase im sorry for posting on the ban appeal maybe the mods and all that should make it unable for 'Players like me' and stuff cant post on it?
robeagle wrote:
PS dunsjohn that was Very offensive...mainly becuase i have a disablities (not very bad but still) its not helping me when i have reading problems a bit and understanding problems if you cant take that into consideration i want my money back for buying minecraft Sorry but if you cant be kind to me ive quiting still i will give it all another chance ...
dunsjohn wrote:
Robeagle, the application link was provided to you by SloopJB. Please actually read what the people above have posted.

EDIT: Also, I mean no offense, but if you are incapable of reading the main page of this website, then I suggest you take a few minutes to just breath. On the top menu of the website there's a link that says "Join now." If you choose not to use SloopJB's link, then do that. Again, read what people who have tried to HELP you wrote.

Re-read before you claim I have offended you. I have stated I meant no offense. What I have written was informative and was intended to help you. Don't make accusations that I am being mean to you. As well, how the heck should I know you have disabilities? I have no relation to you what-so-ever in real life, therefore there is no way I can know. You are OVER REACTING. And you're going to blame me for your having a disability and me having no way of knowing? Haha, don't make me laugh too hard now. I'm not going to be "kind" to you in your eyes. I helped you, end of story. You see me as attacking you, you're immature. Another story, that has just ended. You're not a victim, and I'm not someone trying to offend you. Got that?

Mod please /lock before this person escalates this any further.
You make no sence to me so we end this like this You dont comment on me i dont comment on you if you agree then i will not bother you.and you wont bother helping me got it? Im not over reacting and im not blaiming you so im not talking to you end of.
Sorry, got to say this:

lol, rage
Your right i did get jailed XD!!