i own 29 spawners :3
who knows i think it might mean they think strongly about it
DonkeyyKong wrote:
The Minetown spawners have changed a little bit,
The spawners will not be able to be picked up with a regular pickaxe or any other tool.
The spawners will only be picked up by the 1.8 SilkTouch pickaxes
As you may think this may be unfair, I think it is a brilliant idea, the ammount of spawners on the server is outrages. I think they should be only picked up by this certain tool because not many Minetowners have them and it will be a little bit more survival for the server.
I hope you agree with this new idea.
The Minetown spawners have changed a little bit,
The spawners will not be able to be picked up with a regular pickaxe or any other tool.
The spawners will only be picked up by the 1.8 SilkTouch pickaxes
As you may think this may be unfair, I think it is a brilliant idea, the ammount of spawners on the server is outrages. I think they should be only picked up by this certain tool because not many Minetowners have them and it will be a little bit more survival for the server.
I hope you agree with this new idea.
I like the idea but...

yeild is correct (lol) <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>
i like te idea... damn i have no silk touch yet! gonna get one lol
I like it too =D but wait, has it actually been implemented yet, or is it just an idea?
It's been implemented.
so now you have to use a silk touch if you wanna pick one up?
There goes the neibourhood