craftermaster wrote:
Wait. Best idea right here:
A seperate server for guests.This would DRAMATICALLYreduce lag to a minimum and the guests server can be run by say an admin as to not overload sawine's computer.
A seperate server for guests.This would DRAMATICALLYreduce lag to a minimum and the guests server can be run by say an admin as to not overload sawine's computer.
I think the issue with that is that you then need to pay out for new hardware to keep the guest server completely separate, plus you will also need new mods and admins only for the guest area (I doubt many would want to be in a world that is only full of guests). Also it means there there will be no communication between members and guests, and guests won't be able to see the main server - whilst some people find guests annoying, pretty much everyone was one at some point and they can't be expected to integrate well in the community if they are kept so far away from it before being made a full member IMO.