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[Enjin Archive] i wuld like to report tprezzle

I am not going to press this to a ban as it seems like a 1 time occurance and the game has been glitchy as bukkit is fugged up....but anywho...yall should read this and use it to prevent this kind of thing in the future:

ziona he/she only killedme once but i have bin killed bye outher players in the past when i had pvp off i had no proof and was told that next time it happend to screen shot it and post a player report so i have the last time it append was when coffey killed me with his bow when i was minning
yea...i know...its hard to do much about these tho even with SSs cause of how the end is set up currently...but look at the link i just posted...hopefully people can look at that as a general rule for the end to prevent this again...
if it dose happen again i shall post anouther report =]
yea...try to contact a mod ingame to report it happening...they may still say post pix, but the process will be smother if someone is actively watching
TPrezzle wrote:
Judging by the fact that I killed you, the PVP on/off plugin clearly wasn't working.

Firstly, if you don't want to be killed, don't go to the end where people kill each other. It's pretty simple.

Secondly, warning people that they shouldn't kill you probably won't work because when you're in the end, you spend too much time killing and dying to pay attention to that.

Please don't get so butthurt about this. I died earlier and lost all my stuff worth a few stacks of diamond, I'm over it.

It wasnt and I told you about it too. You killed me like 7 times because the plugin was broken and i didnt know. :C
And Tprezzle- Dont make fun of Ulti just cuz he's not the best at spelling and grammar. >:/
I killed you like twice Gardevoir! D:< you didn't even have anything on you the second time and I gave all your belongings back -.-

PS- you still havent paid me mah 10dia back.
Sure I'll give you your diamonds back now. I think if you remember correctly i said warp back to the entrance to the end, where I dropped all your belongings back to you.