I just wanted to pop in seeing how I already submitted an app to get in on this server. Kinda wanted to get the feel of what the community is like and what is the age group, mainly for the maturity level. I just came from a server that was awful, not so much everyone but a majority. The mods were just as immature as the players so I wasn't at all to pleased with that. I know granted it's just a game but if ppl are donating and everything else to the server I kinda feel as if it should be dealt with professionally. I mean you already reached the popularity level of achieving donators so put a little pep in your step and put a leash on your mods is kind of what I felt like. They were young and in control of something and well I know how that ends people power trip. I've seen it happen a lot trust me it happens ALOT in the military as soon as someone gets their stripes instant assholes they've become. And please pardon my language sometimes it does slip out please just point it out to me to let me know i think i removed all my swear words i might have missed a couple, like i said military LOL. Well I hope i get to see you all on and get to know some of you, hopefully this server is what im looking for.
Welcome to minetown! We accept all age's as long as you act mature and are nice not an as***le <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Can't wait to see you in-game -dancraft200-
Thanks for the warm welcoming dan, it's appreciated i could definatly say it's much more than what i got on the last server when I first joined. Just for a reply and i look forward to seeing you if my app is accepted

I've used this picture before so I feel bad
EDIT: When in doubt, cats.

I'm pretty new too, so I'll tell you my opinion. The mods and admins seem to be serious about what they do. When someone does something wrong, they're usually warned with a boot and a message. If they still refuse to comply, then comes the ban. The only exception seems to be Zionia when she boots people because their names resemble song lyrics, but that's just really funny.
You can't not mess with people at least some of the time.
(again, booting, not banning. Booted people just log back on immediately.).
Anyway, welcome! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>
You can't not mess with people at least some of the time.
(again, booting, not banning. Booted people just log back on immediately.).
Anyway, welcome! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>
I think you mean "Kicked" grins
Hey welcome to our server! Please read all rules before doing anything if u havent read them yet. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":thumb:">:thumb:</object>
Happyworm360 you forgot this one...

LOL thx everyone for the welcoming and thx Grins for letting me know what it's going to be like. It looks like I might have found a new minecraft home once/if my app get accepted. It's nice to see a lot of activity on the forums seems like im going to get to know a lot more new ppl. LMFAO so you got ppl on here running around with names like HitMeBabyOneMoreTime LMFAO only britinany spears lyric i can remember, had sisters that listened to her. Not that theres anything wrong with here it's just not man music and i just wanna let you know I did not willingly listen. Dont want ppl out there thinking I'm brittany spears fan. Naw music wise i like the underground stuff like SethRock, Tha Missin Link, and Q-strange stuff like that it aint for everyone. So now im rambling, Looking forward to seeing everyone who gave me a welcome on the minetown server
BTW i've read the rules a couple times, I wanted to make sure I felt as if your rules set a good foundation to having a enjoyable time on a minecraft server. I found a key word in one of the rules that I really liked to see and the other server I came from didn't have. That word is harass, I'm really happy to see this due to last place I came from ppl did it frequently but the mods didn't care and had done nothing about it. It only happened to me once personally but it ended shortly after, though I will say while playing i've watched someone be harrassed for 5 days til the other person decided to leave the server was really disappointed to see the mods could care less about it. But then again the staff of the other server had the same maturity level as their pays. Like I said I've just retired from the united states Army I like to see well set rules and like to see people in control have a little discipline themsevles with the power they've recieved by becoming a mod. And I'm ramblimg again so I'll let everyone catch up to me. Again Thank you for the welcome guys and i hope to see you all on