You may have to have Sawine manually unban kenyangi5. We've had a few cases where the unbanning wouldn't work.
Okay, I have requested help to get him back on the server.
Yes it is spelled kenyangi5, thanks for the help.
Hey nick i had an idea. Since it says im not banned, theoretically you could ban me then un-ban me right?
Good idea!
Although have you tried recently? Sawine did say he was going to look into this issue for me. He may have fixed the issue already. Only way to know for sure is to have you try again.
If you still cannot log in, I will try your suggestion. You may be onto something here to save Mods from having to bother Sawine for this problem!
Although have you tried recently? Sawine did say he was going to look into this issue for me. He may have fixed the issue already. Only way to know for sure is to have you try again.
If you still cannot log in, I will try your suggestion. You may be onto something here to save Mods from having to bother Sawine for this problem!
Just tried and still banned.
its a manual unban issue...been needing a lo of them lately it seems >,<
Kenyangi5, are you able to get online again yet?
Yes, I am thanks, I forgot to post that I could ( and I was kind of hungover yesterday because I just turned 21 thursday)
Cool, happy birthday!
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