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[Enjin Archive] SOPA and PIPA opinions
Started by [E] Tabbystripes

CPTKaufman wrote:
Slurth wrote:
Copy Paste Detected! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Yup the article pretty much sums it up. Many of the companies that are so called standing up for our rights have violated them in the past. Basically this comes down to money. If the bill was to pass it would cost them a lot of money.

This doesn't violate our rights as many have been made to believe. Does it have loop holes that could be exploited yes. Should it pass with these issues no. If it were to pass you wouldn't see the US running around arresting people in other countries just blocking them from connecting to us. This includes illegal streamed videos/music, child pornography, and other aspects that the we can't do anything about cause they are in another country. These industries cost the US economy billions each year and do untold amounts of damage.

Don't think for a second that if the boycott companies could make money off this that they wouldn't be backing this bill. Money is the key issue here not your rights. They are using the threat of your rights to get people to back their financial decisions.

The intent of the bill is good just poorly executed and will not pass. Until they can fix the weak points it will fail. As the article stats one day it will pass. Please actually read the bill and make the decision for yourselves. Don't just say the news says its bad therefore it is. Our news has been for sale to the highest bidder for decades.

The thing I have against this is that the US basically make what, in British law, legal, illegal

So I Can get nicked in my own country for a totally legal thing

I do think that the rule of anti piracy should be enforced in all counrtys but my point is

That I don't like the fact that the us government thinks that they can just stroll into another country and mess with its laws

Makes them think they are powerful

And last time someone got too powerful ww2 broke out

Us government + nukes + people dissagreeing = trouble


I just want to state this

I am not racist in any way

I never mean to offend anyone with these post

I can sense some Americans would take offence from this post...

But really, no, I mean no offence
Americans will take offense because it is wrong. They can't do anything in other countries, but a lot of very popular domains are registered in the US. Those can be affected. And they can also stop Americans in America from viewing foreign sites.

The point though, is that American sites will be damaged heavily.
This thing is freaking horrible, they are going to shut down a shit ton of websites that us americans love (wikipedia, youtube, facebook,twitter...)We are screwed!
You guys know that sites like this are also up for attack by SOPA

Basically any site where users can openly communicate publicly with each other can be targeted for being a plausible median for distributing information on accessing illegal material

It would only take 1 member to make 1 comment for action to be taken against the website <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object> Basically communication would have to be monitored and ... well comments be approved by staff before being posted. No website with double digit populations it is simply not feasible to do things like this.

Also it affects not just Americans but the entire world, and I don't mean governments following suit but websites losing funding (from advertising) and forcing websites to accommodate the needs to monitor public speech being forced to shut down.

I wonder what website will be the first to just... black list American IP's from viewing/posting public comments to avoid legal problems.
I've been tracking Bill S.978 for about 7 months and SOPA/PIPA since around their start as well, and there's just so much more to learn about these and how they'll affect our way of life. I've had a small facebook page going if anyone is interested, but searching it all up yourself is the best choice. We have a few links on there as well.

All i have to say is that the SOPA/PIPA bill is really unfair. its unnecessary for the american tax payers to have to pay to be thrown in jail if they Share a song from a website to another website like a social media website. The government is trying to uphold its own values at people because they want to be in charge of everything. If the government had its way AMERICA would be completely screwed up with the constant throwing of people in jail going to war spending taking doing whatever they want. Government is the problem here.
I think it is ridiculous because the censorship it provides companies takes away people's 1st amendment rights (Freedom of speech and Freedom of the Press). I think the protests have worked though because people who sponsored the bills in the first place are asking to take their names out of the bill, for they want no part of it.
This thread is pointless.

There are no opinions, it is simply a fact that SOPA and PIPA can smd.
Drupe wrote:
This thread is pointless.

There are no opinions, it is simply a fact that SOPA and PIPA can smd.

whether or not you're in sweden it will effect a lot of websites you use daily, if you use google, youtube, yahoo, facebook, or any other website that can/has host copywrite material that is based in america will be gone for everyone.