As everyone else has said: The command was buggy, and it was avaliable to all ranks, even guests. Part of the reason I donated was to recieve the tpa command, just like Amaryxi.It should stay to donators only and I should never change. You would have to ask Sayomie or Sawine about this anyway. Not the MT Community.
Dont tase me bro
Dont tase me bro
Maybe it should be that non-donators can only ACCEPT tps? I think that would work well.
Its Unfair, why suddenly change it so that we Non-Donators can't get to our other Non-Donator friends when we need to!
pwnmaster its was a bug, the whole reason for having donations is to give people that donate something for their money. Be happy you were able to use it at all and forget about it. Its never going to be something that a non-donator can get. I'm sorry but that's just the simple truth.
Check out Sayomie's post tpa and tpahere. They are back for non-donators with a 5 Hour Cooldown.