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[Enjin Archive] Big argument over building too close to town?
Started by [E] Idellechi

About a week ago, Stealthm23 and I wandered into the wilderness and started building a castle. Since then, Mattgehring123 made expansions to his town, Shoreline. Today Matt came up to me and stealth claiming that he could see this "Ugly THING" from his town's border and claimed he had protections up to there before we started building. As a resident of shoreline I would prefer the mods to settle this dispute without banning or jailing anyone, not even Matt. I will, however, be angry about his words for a little while.

Matt knows that since I moved in I have been active in the community. I own 2 lots, and have donated 10 iron ingots and 8 bookcases. I also have donated many flowers and saplings going tword the beautification of the town. I would never, ever consider ruining the town's aesthetic appeal.

I know one of minetown's rules is no griefing, including building on or near someones building or town. But I hope the admins find Stealth and I innocent, since the town expansions were made after we started.

Thank you, and I hope im not being too immature.

Sincerely, PokemonGardevoir.
You just said it. He "claimed" he had protections BEFORE you built there. If that was true, you wouldn't have been able to build there.

How far away is your border to his border? If there's about 20-40 units difference between your areas, there's nothing anyone can really do. If there's like 2 units between, that's another story.

From what you've given, his argument is flawed. However, this is only one side of the story. I'm not going to take sides here. However, my second line (above this) is true, and the mods/admins will most likely agree about the spacing issue. Just because you can see each other doesn't mean they're too close (considering I think you can see a max of like 64 units?).
Matt said he had his Render Distance on normal.

But you're right. You should hear Matt's side of the story.

I told him i'd make a post about it, so he should look for it soon.

Thanks for replying <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
Even set to Normal, if he's at the edge of his border, there's probably enough room. I'll come chat with you in game and check it out, and tell you what I think about the spacing. I'm not a mod btw, so I can't do anything about it, but I can try to help you out as best I can. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Thanks again. Sorry that my chat is glitched. I just got kicked due to java timeout XC
The server went down, just wait patiently. What is Matt's ign?
Matt seems very unapproachable regarding a mature discussion about this.

We cannot prevent people from building in unprotected areas, it would be madness and chaos if mods did try. Everyone has their own definition on personal space, some dont mind 10 blocks away while others go mad if someone is 100 blocks near lol.

That is why once someone has a home and a region they can always request for it to be expanded. The whole point of an expansion is so they wont have people building right next to their builds. Of course you cant ask for stupid amounts like 'Can I get my region expanded 100 in all directions?' as its greedy and need to allow space for other players but we dont mind a reasonable amount. It helps if they indicate how much they wish to have it expanded by.

I would suggest building a wall between you and matt. When I say wall I dont mean a horrid cobble wall, make a pretty one with a nice design and plenty of detail. I can imagine you will enjoy the challenge of creating a very well designed wall (Actually quite hard to do if you want lots of detail lol)

This will stop matt from having a fairy fit as it will look good and he wont be able to criticize your town if he cannot see it.

Please refer him to this thread if he feels your town is too close.

I hope this helps, thank you x
If there is a large enough space may i suggest building a natural looking hill/small mountain ridge. It wouldn't have to be too high to block most the view and if you creative with it it could enhance the scenery of both sides
That is why once someone has a home and a region they can always request for it to be expanded. The whole point of an expansion is so they wont have people building right next to their builds.

Consider these types of things when you make a region as well. I have learned this from a full PVP server where I thought my wall would be at the edge of my region. Big mistake, people made towers 1 block away and hopped on over to raid my chests. You can only control your own region so calculate that into the request.
Thank you Danni. I was thinking of having matt build a wall but he doesnt seem like one to like something that boxy and unnatural. Ill try and sort this out. Thanks!