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[Enjin Archive] Agharta Land Claim Requests & Guidelines
Started by [E] Pljz

Notice: Land Claims MUST be submitted to claim ANY land, claimed or unclaimed, that contains ANY form or structure, build, or town.


A message containing sufficient information* has been posted to this thread in the format below.

If the land-owning party returns your message with written permission* to transfer ownership of the land in question, you may present the written permission in screenshot form to a staff member and the transfer will be executed. HOWEVER, if the party responds and would not wish for you to own the property, your claim attempt will be considered void.

Unless otherwise specified, containers inside the land claim will be UNLOCKED. The land-owning party may wish to specify a 3rd party to receive items in the claim, or they may wish to have the items deleted. This preference should be noted in the aforementioned written permission*.

If no response is received within the timeframe defined below, the claim attempt will be valued and the transfer will take place. In this situation, all containers will be unlocked due to the guidelines established by Part 3.

This same type of written permission* may be presented to staff in order to transfer claims between players if the receiving party is not online at the desired time of transfer.

If 2 months expire without response from the land owning party, then the claim will be honored and the transfer will take place.

If more than one player wishes to acquire the same piece of land, then the request of the earliest applicant will be honored, HOWEVER, if a person applies who is /trust'd on to the claim, they will take priority over all other applicants.

*sufficient information is defined as fully complying to the format below. If the format is not followed, your request will be considered voided, and your post will be deleted.

*written permission is defined as a message of any sort proclaiming the desire for a particular land claim ownership to be transferred to the requesting party. This is where item-specific preferences may be outlined.

To submit , please follow this format, you may copy it if you wish;

Player wanting to claim:

Warp name to land:

Screenshot of land:

Reasons for wanting to claim the land:

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-:

Please Note:

-All requests will be handled at staff discretion, A claim request may be denied or allowed as per our choice.

-Along with this, any builds deemed as "nuisance structures"(ex: small cobble huts, etc) will be lowered to an abandonment period of one month.

-Also note, Any land claims that were previously active(following the classic guidelines) are still valid, but will simply be lowered to the new two month procedure.

-Once you place a Request, you may not open another until the original is resolved.

-In regards to towns, someone who has a "rank" in the town (owner, co-owner, mayor, etc) has priority over all other requests. Any active members of this town who are not receiving the land must be given 2 weeks to clear out their items before than can be removed.
Player wanting to claim: Patch324

Warp name to land: /home patch324 Request

Screenshot of land:

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: At the moment the player who has claimed it has been ofline for 4 months and 8 days. It is right outside of /warp south9k and has potential for a nice road or other builds.

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums): Yes i have. But only forums.
Player wanting to claim: patch324

Warp name to land: /home patch324 Request

Screenshot of land:

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: I believe the player is banned and he has announced that he has quit along with his friend.

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums):
Player wanting to claim: Gwyn07

Warp name to land: /home Gwyn

Screenshot of land: Your text to link here...

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: Player has not played in months and is close to my claim

Contacted the owner on forumn:
Player wanting to claim: rubberchicken007

Warp name to land: /home rubberduckyXD007 LandClaim

Screenshot of land:

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: I want this land because it is close to my other homes and I like the look of it a little.

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Form) Picture of contact : file:///C:/Users/Alex%20East/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/screenshots/2014-11-07_13.06.16.png
I cannot stress enough how important it is to follow the format posted. Each and every post so far has not fully followed it, and/or given false information. I will allow a leniency period of ONE WEEK for the posts to be changed, otherwise they will be deleted. Furthermore, any post not regarding a land claim request will also be deleted.

Player wanting to claim: xk_cortex

Warp name to land: /home xk_cortex landclaim

Screenshot of land: msg and picture are in both imgur link

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: contine buidling

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-:


Player wanting to claim: Gwyn07

Warp name to land: /home saintkal gwynlandclaim

Screenshot of land: http://imgur.com/INNKkQp

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: Player is close to my house and inactive.

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) Yes see links:

ingame message: http://imgur.com/V6RTS5s

Private message on forumn: http://imgur.com/1Y2tx34
Player wanting to claim:rubberchicken007

Warp name to land:/home rubberchicken007 landclaim

Screenshot of land: https://www.dropbox.com/lightbox/home

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: it is a nice build and I dont want land to go to waste

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) if you do not reply to the post your claim will become mine in 2 months thanks rubberchicken007
AlexKO22222 has not been on Minetown Agharta server for 3 months and 3 days as of Dec. 5th 2014. I would like to claim land of his near the /warp west9k.


Player wanting to claim:


Warp name to land:

/Warp west9k

The land is just a few paces west of the warp along the main western road.

X = -9170 Z = 40

Screenshot of land:


Reasons for wanting to claim the land:

The building is unattractive cobblestone and the location is highly desirable. I would like to build a structure in this location to fit the warp's western theme.

Contacted the owner?

Yes, in 3 ways as follows:

1) By /mail in game on Agharta server:


2) On the land owner's wall on the Minetown webpage:


3) By mail sent to user from their profile on the Minetown webpage:
