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[Enjin Archive] I was Banned for unknown reason
Started by [E] lachiedude996

As I mentioned before, a banned thread would be much more useful in resolving issues. Say a single moderator bans 20-50 people a day, which is a fairly large amount, the task would be as simple as writing out "The banned character is xxxxx and they were banned because they xxxxx". Realistically, it doesn't take that long to create threads or posts like that. So yes, you can say it isn't practical, but it is already impractical to have a banned user post that they don't know why they were banned. In many cases, they may not have done anything wrong and remain banned, or they might have done everything wrong and their ban is revoked.

All I propose is a proper system that functions with an input, a process, and an output. In many cases the P and O aren't even getting considered, whereas they would be considered more with the ban reports.

If you're worried about it being a larger waste of your time as a mod/admin, perhaps you can make it a more basic format.


Name: nturn18

Reason for Ban: Excessive spam and profanity

Banned by Mod: ____

If you think writing out 300 words a day is difficult, maybe you shouldn't go to university.
harkness wrote:
If you think writing out 300 words a day is difficult, maybe you shouldn't go to university.

Oooooo! Well I guess I've been told, then...

You're missing the point: Why should then mods or Admins waste any more of their time than they already do in dealing with bans and their appeals? You do understand that some days they ban upwards of 50+ people, and so taking the time to go into the forums to create this thread and add to it for each individual ban, would be a massive burden and mostly useless anyway? Most bans are legitimate, and so to become involved in this process you're describing to make things only slightly more convenient for the one or two people who maybe DO have a valid reason to submit an appeal, is folly. If you don't know who banned you, just write "unknown," and that's it. The Admins will figure it out.

People work. People go to school, and most people simply don't have all day to play around on Minecraft. Time is precious, and time is money. Let's say an Admin has an average of four hours per night to play Minecraft, do you REALLY think he/she wants to spend even 25% of that time logging in and out of the forums to edit this "why we banned you" thread? Mods and Admins are also players, they are here primarily to play the game, not to cater to people who break the rules and then complain about getting caught, or who complain about the lack of a sufficient essay from the vile Mod that banned them for flyhacking. I mean: Come on! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

I get what you're saying, but I don't think you appreciate the ramifications of your idea, and the burden it would place on other people.

Just chill out, submit the very simple ban appeal and then wait. I don't see how it could be any easier than that?

Oh, btw: Insulting my intelligence is a very good way to get me to write you an essay! Ah hahaha!

--Professor Darth Zimmeris, Ph.D., Experimental Linguistics
Its called a Ban Appeal for a reason, so that players can appeal against their bans if they feel the need to, not everyone appeals.

A new plugin has been implemented so when a banned person tries to go back online it comes up with the reason they were banned, this should help prevent the problem of people not knowing what they've done.

Also we ban loads of people each day, if we were to make a log of every person we would have a massive list in which half wouldnt even do a ban appeal as they were spammers or know they broke the rules so they wont bother.

I know it seems logical to you but I would much rather spend my time working on petitions and helping members than making lists of the people I ban.
i agree with some of these post's i dont know why i was banned so i put anonymous
I was banned, but I'm not in the 'banned' logs and I haven't done anything wrong. Therefore I blame, and I quote, "very rare system error" <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

But in reality, you're right: people should know already what they are banned for. Just one issue; if they are unsure of *which* rule they have broken, they need to know what to appeal.

For example, they get banned for griefing... however, they can't remember whether they actually griefed, and instead think they may have been banned for spamming the trade channel. This provides clarification on what to appeal.

Someone also mentioned access to the logs... why not? Admins and mods have access in order to check issues. If a player can locate and find the issues for the mod or admit, then refer to where it is, this would ease the job the admin or mod has to do. It would also provide them with an explanation for why they were banned.

HOWEVER: I notice a lot of mods or admins banning players and failing to write why they were banned (i.e. it says no reason given). Even if the banning was obvious (e.g. they were banned for spamming chat), a reason (e.g. 'spammed chat') should be provided. Why isn't it? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f610.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":|">:|</object>
DarthZimmeris wrote:
harkness wrote:
If you think writing out 300 words a day is difficult, maybe you shouldn't go to university.

Oooooo! Well I guess I've been told, then...

You're missing the point: Why should then mods or Admins waste any more of their time than they already do in dealing with bans and their appeals? You do understand that some days they ban upwards of 50+ people, and so taking the time to go into the forums to create this thread and add to it for each individual ban, would be a massive burden and mostly useless anyway? Most bans are legitimate, and so to become involved in this process you're describing to make things only slightly more convenient for the one or two people who maybe DO have a valid reason to submit an appeal, is folly. If you don't know who banned you, just write "unknown," and that's it. The Admins will figure it out.

People work. People go to school, and most people simply don't have all day to play around on Minecraft. Time is precious, and time is money. Let's say an Admin has an average of four hours per night to play Minecraft, do you REALLY think he/she wants to spend even 25% of that time logging in and out of the forums to edit this "why we banned you" thread? Mods and Admins are also players, they are here primarily to play the game, not to cater to people who break the rules and then complain about getting caught, or who complain about the lack of a sufficient essay from the vile Mod that banned them for flyhacking. I mean: Come on! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>

I get what you're saying, but I don't think you appreciate the ramifications of your idea, and the burden it would place on other people.

Just chill out, submit the very simple ban appeal and then wait. I don't see how it could be any easier than that?

Oh, btw: Insulting my intelligence is a very good way to get me to write you an essay! Ah hahaha!

--Professor Darth Zimmeris, Ph.D., Experimental Linguistics

I quoted everything because I've never been one to attack certain points <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>

Your name is actually Darth Zimmeris? Somehow I doubt it, but if it were that would be overly cool.

All an admit has to really do is give a reason for the ban... it can be as simple as a few words; "____ for flyhacking."

I'm not sure why they would be logging in and out... why do they need multiple accounts?

Anyway, I've been banned for two days and it's making me a little distressed as a) I want to play and b) I've done nothing wrong. Now I'm off to reset my router, switch PCs, re-download Minecraft... whatever :L

Isn't there some sort of reason thing? I often see "____ has been banned for: no reasn given" while playing... how about if a reason is given? I realise it's a big deal to write two extra words after the ban command, and thusly I am sorry <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>

I guess you just don't realize the amount of stuff a staff member has to do. I would let you do it for ten minutes during peak time just so you could be flooded with /tell and /msg from 30 different players, while going through 120 apps, while going through 25 pe's, while trying to monitor chat, while trying to find out who stole little Timmy's diamond blocks, and also trying to remember to always write a message when you ban some douche that just flooded the chat with "OMG I WANT OPS NAO!". You have to remember we are human and are trying to do our best. We don't always get it right, but we all try our hardest to make things right if something is wrong. I can tell you that Sayomie will find out exactly what is up with your ban and it WILL BE FIXED. You just need to relax and stop assuming you know what we are going through. Bans are on the bottom of a very long list of things we have to take care of in any given day. You deal with 95 people online at one time and tell me how you do. Thanks for making me write a long reply. I hate typing. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
Only admins have access to the ban logs, we cant give out that information as it provides each banned members IP address.

Also a few members do know what they've done if they have been banned online. Also its the whole element of surprise, we can determine more by the way the person reacts to what we've caught them doing and the excuses they come up with (Some people come up with such crap excuses in the heat of the moment)

The 'system error' you have experienced would mean someone would need to manually unban you and theres only three people on the server that have access to that.

Also regardless of what information is provided you still need to wait for the person who banned you to reply as they will have screenshots as proof and also they are the only ones that can determine if you are allowed back on the server. So does it matter if you know the information beforehand or after the person has commented. Either way you still have to be patient and wait for them, the only use of knowing what you did is so you can come up with a better excuse.

As I have said before we have implemented a new ban plugin which gives reasons, its still very new so mods and admins are still trying to get used to it. We're only human at the end of the day so sometimes we may miss doing a reason.
I agree with both of you people parties whatever. I realise admins and moderators don't have much time for anything, but I feel it would be far better, and easier to simply post the suggested layout on a ban log thread. I personally have the forums open when I'm on the server, if only so I can rejoin mumble if I disconnect. It would take barely 1 minute to post something like that. But you know, I'm not a mod, nor an admin, so I'm not entirely sure how much mods and admins actually have to do.
This ban is being looked into.

Locked as this thread has gone off of topic. If lachiedude996 which's to post a proper ban appeal he may do so in a new thread.