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[Enjin Archive] Disrespectful Members
Started by [E] Patch

~Disrespectful Members~

Recently on Agharta I have noticed that a relevantly new group of players were breaking several server rules. Because they were members they have read and understood the rules, so "I didn't know" or "i didn't mean it" are not sliding with me. When it comes to issues like this I am normally I am really easy going because I was ounce not very well liked on the server and was a little annoying troll, but I knew when enough was enough. These new members are in my opinion rude, disrespectful and don’t care about the server, staff nor other players. It is a group of 4 or so and they have done the following:

• Griefed

• Got mobs to kill people

• Insult numerous players in chat and harassed me personally in private messages

• Made me want to leave Minetown!

I will not sit back any more and let some rude and obnoxious members ruin mine, and many players time on time on Minetown. They are the reason the Minetown Time and News have been canceled. They got a one week ban for a grief to someone that has done nothing wrong to them and has only aided our server community. They have made some staff members turn on some players . And have made many people upset. Yes, you can say I am raging about issues on the forums but I look at this as confronting a growing issue. No, this is not directed to all members that have recently joined. If you haven’t done anything wrong it’s not you. And I will not and never will put up with I had to tolerate for another second. I am not posting names here because I do not like people to get banned. All I want it for members that are making players stay at Minetown unenjoyable to stop or mature a little and come back.

Anyone who has a problem with this post come to me and we will talk about it. I am not going to be pushed around nor am I tolerating the crap that I have been.
To clarify something, a ban is a punishment, not an indication that someone has gotten away with something. Also, if you're referring to an incident that I'm thinking of, the person impacted by the matter had expressed no issues with the punishment length at the time it was delivered.

Regarding whichever other matters you're having with other players, if you do not report the specifics of what happened, including who was involved, then there is little staff can do to help you. You don't have to name and shame in public space, rules-related petitions are still very much being handled.

And as for staff turning against members, there still is a staff report form that I still take note of input to

Well thank you Dragoness for that information. I will make sure to remember and use it.
@774530 wrote:

And as for staff turning against members, there still is a staff report form that I still take note of input to


Can we get a button to say when staff is doing a good job.. like a "hey Modern really helped me with a WE.. she deserves a cookie!"

I would totally second that idea. We do complain, we do encourage, and we do argue at times but how bout a nice sincere thank you to the lady dragon working tirelessly inside the cave? x3
Lol, you're so silly YFM. Staff is a thankless Job. Its kinda like the army, you never really hear when you're doing good, just when you're doing bad.

As to this thread, just a pointer that hasn't been said, screen shots save lives. You don't even have to say anything, just cc the conversation and mail it to a staff member with the time and day the conversation happened. We can then go off of the screen shots and check the logs. Then we can punish the players who are out of hand.

But if we're supposed to remember which whispered "hey you Pudding Cake" is friendly and which is malicious thats gonna be hard. On top of that not all staff keeps social spy on at all times. Even if we do have social spy on Private Messages are supposed to remain just that, private. Short of a player spamming a "Join this site now" whisper to multiple people unless someone complains to I think most staff tries not to be a nazi and raed -every- whisper sent through chat. I know on the rare occassion I have it up I don't normally pay attention to whispers, only key words catch my eye
I understand that social spy isn't always being used, and that's ok but the fact that staff cant even see what's being posted on global is a bit much, I also get that staff are people and have lives. Some times they afk but to the extant that they seem to always be on top of PE's but not players be horribly rude in global? Sorry if this post sounds rude or anyone is offended by it but I needs to be said.
And to add to Dragoness’s post, I do not strongly believe in reporting every time I am irritated by a player. Also in my personal opinion making a staff report to staff isn’t always the best thing to do. In staff reports 99% of the time they are being rude and criticizing staff members, and the staff that looks over those reports may be friends with them. I know that the staff that looks over them try their hardest not to be bias but they’re human, under certain circumstances they may or may not become bias.

“The person impacted by the matter had expressed no issues with the punishment length at the time it was delivered.” If I was that person I wouldn’t want to cause any more problems with the unbanned player. And just because they don’t come forward to staff knowledge doesn’t mean they didn’t.
@10247194 wrote:
And just because they don’t come forward to staff knowledge doesn’t mean they didn’t.

What you're saying is fine and dandy, it's understandable, up until i got to this last sentence in the quote above. The whole purpose of staff being online and/or around is so we can help players. If no one comes forward with the information, how do you expect us to know when/if help is needed? As Nova said, screenshots are vital.

Specifically speaking, to the quote you mentioned and your response, I will repeat what i said. If staff aren't notified by the player that there is a problem, there's not much we can do.
As Nova pointed out, privatechat is to remain private, but also keep in mind that when we become moderators, we pretty much throw all of our personal projects and agendas on the back burner to take care of server business, and sometimes we take some personal time to tend to the stuff we want to do. If we do server business every second we're online, we get burnt out. Trust me, I speak from experience. Also, all of our Moderators are over the age of 16, and most of us have jobs. We don't feel like baby sitting global chat every second we're online.
@10247194 wrote:
• Griefed

• Got mobs to kill people

• Insult numerous players in chat and harassed me personally in private messages

• Made me want to leave Minetown!

Two of these things are for sure against the rules, and one of them on the fence of being illegal. If someone is doing something wrong or against the rules, put in a petition, message a Moderator on the forums, and send a /tell in-game to a Mod if one of us is online. Once you've done that, you've fulfilled your duty as a member, and you need to ignore this person and/or people to the best of your ability.
@10247194 wrote:
I will not sit back any more and let some rude and obnoxious members ruin mine, and many players time on time on Minetown.

We know that you can't punish/ban people, but I do commend your attitude. To those who are affected easily by others words and actions, don't let some nonchalant troll ruin YOUR time. Minetown is more than just a group of staff running a few servers, members are the life-blood of this community. Follow Patch's attitude with this. There is strength in numbers, and if you stand up as a group when a staff member isn't available, you'll be able to work wonders dealing with the kind of people he's talking about.
