Maybe the whole point of this thread is taboo?
Necro-post is troll, get it?
Necro-post is troll, get it?
Feat. Danny, Jallaf, Tibbs, Arvilla, Exeriti, Checkers and like 2 other people I can't recognize the voice of
Alright I now herby declare this a convo thread.
Fookin rite its a convo thred, yu majestk thong yu
u wot m8
ROFL Jallaf @2:13 "I got planes back in my backyard!"
I remember this, it was funny as all hell.
I remember this, it was funny as all hell.
@189750 wrote:
kutha wrote:
I visited legendarycrap the other day...why is it that they are ranked number 2 but they steal our building designs?
The quality of the members make the quality of the server. We vote, and that makes our server higher ranked. Therefore, one can conclude that ranking =/ quality
However, quality will eventually come on top.
Holy shit, Drupe was wrong.
howwwww many years ago was that lol

ill fukin wrek u m8