meh votes are votes take no heed of them there just a device given to trolls and when you complain it gives them more power
also i believe you can be banned for creating warps that kill people and then advertise them i have seen a few people get banned becasue they had warps get created and then they advertised it and then killed people so it is against the rules
also people please use common sense if there is a warp called free stuff then its prolbably fake, the only time i give out free stuff or go to to get free stuff is spawn beasue /spawn will never kill you
also i believe you can be banned for creating warps that kill people and then advertise them i have seen a few people get banned becasue they had warps get created and then they advertised it and then killed people so it is against the rules
also people please use common sense if there is a warp called free stuff then its prolbably fake, the only time i give out free stuff or go to to get free stuff is spawn beasue /spawn will never kill you