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[Enjin Archive] Freedom

danni i understand what you are saying and i totally agree with you and i'm not gonna complain or talk smack about anyone or anything i just wanna bring it up that there are plenty of players who have applied to be guard's (what i consider plenty) and i'm one of them but i haven't heard anything about any new guards.

like i said i only wanted to bring it up not complain about it keep that in mind.
@4434737 wrote:
Like I mean Danni has gotten pokemc done and not even her first server!!! And wtf there are 3 managers dark danni and hayden? Like no updates no nothing!
@637590 wrote:

I know I am to blame for some of the lack of progress and I apologize for that, however each one of you also hold this responsibility too. Rather than sitting on your computers and making threads complaining about everything, you can use your time more constructively to help bring the prison free world to life like you are wanting. Start building on some of the other servers and show staff you are wanting to join build team and work on the prison. Start playing the prison and show staff you want to be a prison guard. Each one of you can constructively help work on the server rather than sitting about complaining all day and threatening to leave.

I am no longer available to help develop the prison, if you really put some effort into trying, you wouldn't be making these threads complaining that someone isn't doing something for you. You have some power yourselves to make the changes you want to see.

@637590 wrote:

I'm sorry to hear about the free world, the prison is complete, just the extension which was an RPG server called the "free world" was started but never finished. It was going to be a massive project to get done anyways, PokeMCs current map being worked on has taken 6 months of none stop building, and the free world was planned to be on a much bigger scale to that, with a spawn and also fully done and useable towns outside of spawn.

After my uncle passed with cancer I went back to my home country to spend time with my family, once I returned there were talks about a new server. As soon as I found out it was to do with Pokemon I jumped at the chance to help do it, I'm a pretty big fan of anything pokemon related so this was something I know I could do well. With the prison having 3 managers I assumed it would be ok to start prioritizing my time elsewhere, I had listed all the build plans on trello and it was just up to build team to fill in the blank spaces. I had completed the center of spawn myself and figured out where the main buildings needed to go, there was just the outer building and a residential area which needed doing.

The prison itself is ok, its able to run and just needs a good group of staff there which will work together to keep the prison active and run events for the prisoners. Build team needed a leader, plenty of motivation and exact plans set out. If there is no organization, there is no progress. Its a huge project that won't just pop up overnight and be done.

I know I am to blame for some of the lack of progress and I apologize for that, however each one of you also hold this responsibility too. Rather than sitting on your computers and making threads complaining about everything, you can use your time more constructively to help bring the prison free world to life like you are wanting. Start building on some of the other servers and show staff you are wanting to join build team and work on the prison. Start playing the prison and show staff you want to be a prison guard. Each one of you can constructively help work on the server rather than sitting about complaining all day and threatening to leave.

I am no longer available to help develop the prison, if you really put some effort into trying, you wouldn't be making these threads complaining that someone isn't doing something for you. You have some power yourselves to make the changes you want to see.

Alright, i'm sorry to hear about your loss. It's never easy, we all know that, and have all been there.

But just because you were gone, does not mean that there were not others in charge. Dark, could have easily stepped up and taken more control, if not dark, then you should have been looking for someone to step up to the plate. Myself, or any other staff at the time would have been more than willing to help out, and this brings be back to my main point. We couldn't. I asked several times, over TS, in the skype chats, and one on one with various people if I could help. Instantly shot down to even look at the free world server. As for 3 managers, some of them didn't even feel like they were managing anything, due to the fact they were shot down as well.
@637590 wrote:

The prison itself is ok, its able to run and just needs a good group of staff there which will work together to keep the prison active and run events for the prisoners. Build team needed a leader, plenty of motivation and exact plans set out. If there is no organization, there is no progress. Its a huge project that won't just pop up overnight and be done.

No one said it was a project that was going to "pop up overnight and be done" but... I'm pretty sure that somewhere along the lines of a year.. someone would have woken up, and noticed that nothing was getting done, and that positions needed to be filled.

Hers a little inside as well. Lomanic, stated in skype chat that if anyone wanted to help, they could could speak to Hayden, one of the "managers" of the server. He did, indeed whitelist a few staff members, and stuff was actually being done on the server. Dark, however frustrated with the issue, asking who had whitelisted them to help, later came to know that Hayden, who again was, allowed to authorize that permission from Lomanic was the one who whitelisted them. Long story short.. He was deopped from the server, and was denied helping of the freeworld, being told that Dark and Danni had it covered.. We now see how that turned out.

I'm not here to argue with you.. I'm not here to help thats for sure. I'm just here to point out that this:
@637590 wrote:

however each one of you also hold this responsibility too. Rather than sitting on your computers and making threads complaining about everything, you can use your time more constructively to help bring the prison free world to life like you are wanting.

is by far showing that the project has failed. Just answer our question.

On behalf of those that are curious. Is freeworld coming anytime soon? Or is it another 6 months, WAIT! 2 weeks till the alpha stage! just kidding.. its now been a year.
theres been alot of staff applications for officer but i havent seen a guard on in a long time so hire more to make server more active
If hardly any work has gotten done over year what a great disappointment to your players minetown and yet you lied to us saying oh yah things are getting done i guess not from madsters responses.
@2998720 wrote:
theres been alot of staff applications for officer but i havent seen a guard on in a long time so hire more to make server more active

Yup and see danni said instead of complaining we should help well Danni if we're not good builders how can we? There are like no more guards left...
The question im asking is why do some people get freedom beta like penguin by the time freedom is out will the resources be mined out just a question? And how much longer will it take or how complete are the builds

also since its taking so long they should rush it out not everything has to be perfect they say it will be more of a surprise but its not worth the wait just add in some tweaks later
when is the estimated time freedom will be out weve lost almost everyone who played of prison because to many lies were given so when is it a good time to come back on
I would like to respond to your post Danni, whilst I was a staff member on Prison, I tried to assist5 in any way possible, to get the whirlpool event going, to help in the market, to assist all i could with true free world, yet all my help was denied, I was told to do my job. This led to me getting quite frustrated about what was going on, and I kept on ranting and becoming annoying to an extent. But if I may just rest my case, I did say that PokeMC was dragging you away. And it did, but I completely understand why you left, PokeMC has become a truly successful and popular server. But, when you left, you never left anything in place for those who were here to follow. Hayden never really took up his role as a manager, and Dark rarely helped the staff with their day to day operations, and as its been mentioned earlier, the Moderators are told to go to the busiest servers, leaving the guards without much power to change things. I was a great guard, I reapplied after my 4 month waiting period that dark gave me. And I have yet to be accepted, nor has any other application really. Part of this reason is the people who should be accepting these applications are not active. I know there a couple regulars on the server who do play, but no one knows because there is no staff presence. I would love to make prison what it was meant to be, but i'm having a hard time figuring out how to do it.

My simple suggestion is make sure there is someone active to take your place, and maybe make your staff on that server "server-only" moderators, that have closer amounts of abilities to other moderators, but only have those capabilities on the Prison server. Then the people who want to see that server thrive have every ability to make that dream come true. And if that doesn't work, then it may be best just to shut it down. Then no one has to worry, but I don't want to take that path.

That is all. And guys, if you don't provide positive constructive feedback on this issue, on how the server can be fixed, but instead say it is dead, or rant about how there isn't anyone on it, or anything like that, I will ask that this be locked. an please don't ask when free is coming out, that my friends, is up to us now, we have to work for it, we will have to get our hand dirty and figure it out ourselves, because no one has the answer, because right now, its not coming, unless we act.
Thank you to those that provided mature feedback, even where negative. There is currently a different person looking into Prison than the previous managers.

For the few that have made misleading or dishonest comments, I highly suggest finding another server to be at.

Locked by thread op request.