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[Enjin Archive] Freedom

Hi, I usually am not one to bug on this topic, but Just over 1 year ago the prison server exited it's beta stage and was officially released, it was announced that other features would be deployed and released as the summer went on. Unfortunately Danni had a family emergency and left for Britain. She was gone all summer and didn't return until late September. It is completely understandable that not much happened. But as we entered the holiday season. We kept being promised these new features, next week, in two weeks, for weeks and weeks, then on January 25th , nearly 6 months after the server was released, a promising message was posted. This post explained that freedom was entering beta and it would be 2 weeks give or take.

It is 1 year since prison was released. 6 months from what was the first message to have a defined date of release. And yet it still is nothing. Where is the free world? There is an immense lack of interest on the prison server. But its not just the players, I feel what was a great group of staff has given up on the server and left it to rot, rather than resurrect it, and try to help it survive.

I have a simple request. Get freedom done, its long overdue. Lets put the past behind us, and stop making excuses.

Jim, It's important to not mix up excuses, with reasons. There are a fair amount of reasons that Freedom is not open. Projects at PokeMC are using all of our Build Team (to an extent), which is very necessary, it takes priority due to the fact it is a newer server and needs more development, for the most part the building in freedom is done to an extent.

As well those who deal with the plugin, console side of it are rather busy. Freedoms staffing for building etc. was kept VERY small, so freedom would be a surprise. Due to there being so little amount of people, many of them have become busy with with other servers, became inactive, or started working more on the most active servers like Agharta where we are most needed.

One more thing, the BT team currently has no leader, making the BT (partially) obsolete. We have many priorities, freedom being one of them, but it is most definitely not the top. If anyone has serious questions regarding the matter you can message me, modern, darkpsy, etc.

To paraphrase we are definitely worried about freedom, we realize it needs done, but unfortunatley we are in un-paid positions and real life events will trump Minecraft any day unfortunately.
I'm sorry. But you guys need to stop bullshitting this out any longer.


First off, Minetown is usually good with making changes, and making them pretty fast. They can easily adapt to new MC versions, and can quickly add, update, or remove plugins quickly, I know from being on staff myself. The prison server is dead. Face it. I have been logging on for a while now to play a bit on agharta and I sometimes go onto prison to see whats new with it. Not a thing. No players, no builds, nothing. Literately it's a waste of space. I'm not trying to be rude, but this whole 'prison free world' has been milked down so much, that people really dont care what so ever anymore. Those that spent hours on the prison, most likely are gone, or wont come back because of this. It'd take a miracle to get the prison server going again, and personally, if the whole team is working on something else, then I think it'd be appropriate to either get a bigger team, or drop the project because its been a year. A year. It wouldn't take me a year to do this. Myself and another dev, in a week we built a whole server, 100% custom plugins running on it other than bungee and iConomy(which we were working on our own currency plugin as well) It's stupid that this has been milked to the public for so long, even more stupid that the player base has to deal with it.
@739033 wrote:
It's important to not mix up excuses, with reasons.

It's also important to not mix excuses with laziness.

Don't get me wrong. Staff have real jobs, and time of their own. They have bigger priorities than a few Minecraft servers, but PokeMC was not even around when prison was released, in fact.. Prison free world should have been done before that server was even thought about.

I'd also like to touch on something else, before staff tries to pull this card. "If you want it done so much, you could have helped" Bullshit. I know several staff members, who, in fact, including myself tried to offer help, with building, configuring, and so much more. We were instantly shot down by higher staffed players. Even a prison manager was denied to even work on the project. I dont know how far along the project is, and quite frankly I don't really care anymore, but the fact that staff was denied to even help on the project, tells me that it didnt get very far. From being on staff of another small prison server, I can say that it's not hard to set up, and manage a prison server such as Minetowns, even with the 'special' features that you wanted in the free world. Lets please, wake up, and do something.

Sorry guys, hate to come off rude, but someone had to say it.
Being an ex-staff member, I know that the normal staff of the server are very creative people, and are very capable of finishing a feature. Maybe if you let loose a little, and had your team of staff work on the server, and maybe and Admin, a lot could be achieved very quickly. I have a hard time believing that a group of people can't get something fairly simple done in a year, a week or two is understandable, but the original deadline was, if I remember correctly, "a few weeks after the release of the main server", its been quite a bit more than that. From what I can tell, you have been outsourcing most of it to build team. But thats completely useless. Danni made an entire modded server to "tide people over" until 1.7 plugins updated, and that server has been all thats on her mind since then. I think at this rate we would rather have a simplified server now, rather than have to listen to lame excuses for another year.

Im sure that you could find a leader for the build team in a jiffy, in fact, or better yet, promote a builder to lead the team, rather do what you did with the events staff, and pull someone in from another job to lead them. Not that thats a bad thing, its just easier, and makes more sense.

Lots of people will say the prison server is done for, but the truth is there is no one caring for it that can make a change. Back when I joined this server a very big selling point was the staff's dedication, and thats gone, and the server went with it

I don't want to seem "buggerish", but right now its getting to a point of plain laziness and lack of dedication.
I can't speak for staff for the past year, seeing as I'm relatively new to staff. I can however say that with the new mods that have come we are trying (I know you've heard this multiple times) our hardest to get everything up and running smoothly. I myself never played on prison, it wasn't my cup of tea when it popular but even I am bringing up finishing freedom and what it would take to get it up and running. Freedom world is one of the main things that seem to be brought up in staff chat, I promise you its not being forgotten or put on the back burner.

I think one of the major issues is the fact that the people who were working on it are kinda to the way side, real life has snatched them up and trying to pick up where they have left off, with no real direction as to where their last footprint is is taking time.

I do understand the fact you are fed up, and I do agree that Prison should have been finished before PokeMC. I acknowledge that its been a year and I can only tell you the same thing you've heard multiple times before. So I won't waste my time, or your time telling you to be patient and just wait. It is indeed a downside to see Prison taking so long to be finished but I promise you that it will be brought up and there are staff members who will continue to bring it up until something is done. We'll be having a staff meeting in the next couple weeks and it -will- be a discussion point. Its been sitting idle too long and does in fact need to be put back into gear and finished or otherwise changed to give prison server something to work towards.

Thank you for your concern and view points. Its good to see that even with the server being in the state it is there are players that are still interested in Prison server. The moment we find out more about Prison server I will be sure to come back and tell everyone in this thread whats going on.
Guys it's not only why freedom has been has been delayed so much is why the prison is dead. It was also staff and the way they were told to do their jobs . Also the way prison was set up.

What im about to type some may disagree with. There was a few flaws in the way were told to do their job and flaws in the prison it's self.

1.) If a player killed a player with a tool (Not a weapon) they were basically dragged from the safe zones and killed. If you resisted it meant you were put in a jail cell. Why did they have to be killed? why cant they treat that tool like a sword and ask for it? Why are you asked to come out, and killed?

2.) Guards had OP armor./Freedom was not out. When you reach block and you have obtained 300k for freedom what do you do after that? Nothing. Soo many of us "A blockers" including myself just pvped all day. And just from that soo many loyal minetown players got banned.

Also the guards had OP Armor. It was too powerful and a guard could easily take on a group of 3. That was no fun for us. It was no match. You were guaranteed to die or have your weapon taken away. A lower level guard in iron could take your weapons in a safe zone. This pissed many A blockers off because they were fighting and because they cant pvp good they took your swords. Lastly for #2 there were usually never guards in blocks & B . Pvp was still allowed.

3.)---They took out XP---- This was a really bad move. When this happened the amount of prison players declined quickly. They even keeped telling us People who are free can smuggle enchanted things into the prison.(What Free?) and once again we waited. This pissed many Higher blockers. They needed enchanted tools to survive.

4.) When a player was killed it's announced in chat (so&so killed so&so via derp) and if a guard was on duty and did not see this they could not do anything about it. Same with scamming. Scamming was allowed. This drove away many new people and when the new people were gone, the higher blockers left.

I do still have hope in the prison but I know if freedom comes out, past A blockers wont be lineing up to get freedom. Many are banned or lost hope.
Along with what parakeeks saying, we are told something that made more sense than anything, "stay on the most active servers". It's our job to moderate, help, etc. and we can't quite help on a server where there are no people.
At one point there was a ton of people, then staff left, and the players followed.
Jim, I really don't think you understand how tied my hands are, there is not much we can do. Not now.
Then drop the project. Stop tossing it around.