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[Enjin Archive] The Valorian Legion
Started by [E] Pompous_Lemur

Did you apply on our main page, this is just the military sub thread, fenix, welcome to the legion and you can take my old position as first century centurion!
New Legion Units!

With the induction of potions to Minecraft, the Ranks of the legion have changed, they are now:

(red indicated new position, orange indicates moved position)

Ranking of the Legion:


The overall commander of the Legion. He is responsible for creating the overall battle plan, and then ensuring the orders are relayed to the tribunes.


In charge of one legion consisting of two centuries. He takes orders from the three leaders and relays them to the centurions. He is also responsible for laying out the plans for the legion's camp.


Commands one century of five soldiers including himself. Takes orders directly from his legion's tribune. Receives standard issue legionary equipment, but is also granted a diamond sword.


The standard soldier, the legionaries form the backbone of the Legion. They are grouped into centuries consisting of one centurion and four legionaries and/or archers. They are responsible for setting up the legion's camp during marches, and also for providing security at forts.

Furthermore there are sub-categories of legionary which are:

Legionary Engineer: Receives 64 wood, cobblestone, and gravel, 32 redstone, 1 water bucket, and 10 TNT, in addition to standard issue equipment. Responsible for setting up battlefield defenses in the heat of a battle, constructing TNT cannons and traps, and providing battlefield demolitions. Skill with redstone and a knowledge of TNT cannons and traps must be shown to attain this rank.


Soldiers trained in the use of bow and arrow. They are able to provide accurate long-ranged support to a legion.


The beastmaster is a valuable and very powerful supporting soldier. He is responsible for taming wolf packs en masse, and then using a bow to mark targets in the heat of battle for his pack to assault and devour.


There are 2 Slinger positions in the Legion:

Slinger Medic: Receives an extra 27 wheat and 6 cooked pork chops in addition to standard issue supplies, as well as healing and regeneration splash potions supplied by the Valorian Alchemists. Responsible for healing injured soldiers who have exhausted there small rations.

Slinger Grenadier: Receives the standard load-out as well as splash potions of harming supplied by the Valorian Alchemists


Auxilia are the levy soldiers called upon to fight in wars. They are not as well trained as the legionaries, and use lower quality equipment, but are an efficient fighting force nonetheless. Auxilia can never attain a permanent rank in the legion unless enlisting for service and becoming a legionary.
Is there a specific rank you would like to apply for? Why? (Please note that you may not attain the rank you asked for): Engineer

Are there any specific skills you have that you would like us to know (Ex: Redstone, Stealth, Archery): Redstone circuits.

I will be a full time soldier

Are you willing to obey orders and to risk your life in the name of the Empire?: I will defend the Empire to my dying breath. Long live Valor!

One question: Do legionnaires get a salary? If so, I would like to be paid in gold. Another thing, improving on Barney's survival training, maybe they should have to survive in Guest World for seven Minecraft days. I'm not sure if anyone else had such as an atrocious experience in GW as I did (constantly out of food having only the /kit wood for company) while I was waiting for my app to get approved. Just a thought. Also, since I'm relatively new to the server, about how often are there wars in Minetown? And how often is Valor associated in them?
Is there a specific rank you would like to apply for? Why? (Please note that you may not attain the rank you asked for): Engineer

Are there any specific skills you have that you would like us to know (Ex: Redstone, Stealth, Archery): Redstone circuits

Are you willing to obey orders and to risk your life in the name of the Empire?: I will defend the Empire to my dying breath. Long live Valor!

Sorry, double post.
s there a specific rank you would like to apply for? Why? (Please note that you may not attain the rank you asked for): Legionary, at the moment. Hopefully, something higher up in the future

Are there any specific skills you have that you would like us to know (Ex: Redstone, Stealth, Archery):

Are you willing to obey orders and to risk your life in the name of the Empire?: Yes, I am
Is there a specific rank you would like to apply for? Why? Nope not yet. Just legionary.

Are there any specific skills you have that you would like us to know: Hand to hand combat

Are you willing to obey orders and to risk your life in the name of the Empire?:

Yessir <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
I'm going to set a legion application page on the website later.
So, am I in the Legion?
How its going to work for now on is you go through basic training and then get assigned after, i will contacteveryone insividualy to take part in basic training
Ill be holding a basic training session tomorrow for all Valorian Legion recruits at GIVATRAC at either 1100 hours Pacific or 1400 hours, whichever is more convenient, if you are going to participate please register at thread on our website, virtus.enjin.com
