You shouldent have done that..

You see,
... i honestly have no idea what your talking about i never stole anything...
i dont have a prob with admitting what i did i honestly have no idea what their talking about lol if i did it id say so say im sorry and ask for an unban and say i wouldn't do it again but i honestly either do not remember doing it or did not do it either way im sorry
landr0 i never killed u in your house lol
I will deal with this after work. In a couple hours
Here are screenshots from Sawine.
Oh okay... Thank you for linking me to that post andvhelping me nick I did not understand what they ment about "gold chest"
Yes, I did take some stuff out of chest but it was like 1 stack of glass 2 cobble stone and... Something else it might have been some coal? I know what I took it was not worth anything sorry for it and I did not see anything on the building saying it was someone elses's things nor was it locked or any of the chest locked I honestly did not know ... I'll give the stuff back nothing I took I really needed
Btw: for anyone who says I was "playing dumb before" I honestly had no idea why I was banned or what fore saying I didn't know that it was free tto take or not... Once again sorry
Yes, I did take some stuff out of chest but it was like 1 stack of glass 2 cobble stone and... Something else it might have been some coal? I know what I took it was not worth anything sorry for it and I did not see anything on the building saying it was someone elses's things nor was it locked or any of the chest locked I honestly did not know ... I'll give the stuff back nothing I took I really needed
Btw: for anyone who says I was "playing dumb before" I honestly had no idea why I was banned or what fore saying I didn't know that it was free tto take or not... Once again sorry