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I was bitching, and I was being 2 sided. I'm sorry, I was just a stupid idiot new to the server. I now will make a pe and handle things correctly. Please let me back on the server, it took me forever to finish building my monster trap and giant mine and as soon as I finished it I was banned. I can handle things correctly. I am sorry. I logged on and off so I could check the minecraft wiki and I am sorry that I was playing 2 sided.
over 13 years ago
Username: thefunwithagun Date you were banned: 12/17/11 Person who banned you: ModernDragoness Reason you were banned: I don't understand why. Somebody stole 3 stacks of diamond from me. After going through a long ordeal I got given 3 stacks of diamond blocks. I made a shop with rosie2999 and I moved in with her. She gave me a chest and I told her I was putting valuables in it and not to take them. The next day she stole them. I did get mad and spam global, I'm sorry. However wouldn't you be mad to if someone stole 3 stacks of diamond blocks from you. A mod came to help and said she took the diamond however he wouldn't help me. He said since she had access it was between her and me. I got mad and I did call the mod mentally retarded. I'm sorry, however he said she took it and he wouldn't help, that makes me mad. I made this post and was banned the next morning. Please Help! I just spent 8 hours making a HUGE monster trap for people to use and as soon as I was done I got banned. I can be better now that I know how to cprivate and lock land and stuff. Please let me get back on, I'll stop talking about stuff like this and spamming and I'l just make a petition and try to work it out with the robber.
over 13 years ago
EDIT: I was mad earlier, sorry. This is new. Somebody stole 3 stacks of diamond from me. After going through a long ordeal I got given 3 stacks of diamond blocks. I made a shop with rosie2999 and I moved in with her. She gave me a chest and I told her I was putting valuables in it and not to take them. The next day she stole them. I did get mad and spam global, I'm sorry. However wouldn't you be mad to if someone stole 3 stacks of diamond blocks from you. A mod came to help and said she took the diamond however he wouldn't help me. He said since she had access it was between her and me. I got mad and I did call the mod mentally retarded. I'm sorry, however he said she took it and he wouldn't help, that makes me mad. I made this post and was banned the next morning. Please Help! I just spent 8 hours making a HUGE monster trap for people to use and as soon as I was done I got banned. I can be better now that I know how to cprivate and lock land and stuff. Please let me get back on, I'll stop talking about stuff like this and spamming and I'l just make a petition and try to work it out with the robber.
over 13 years ago
Ok, so someone stole 3 stacks of diamond and 1 stack of gold from me. A mod comes to fix it and doesn't give me my diamond. WTF. Then when I was saying I was annoyed at that for happening on chat a mod said I was being an ass and threatened to ban me. 3 STACKS of DIAMOND was stolen from me. When a mod doesn't give it back I'm ticked off, and this mod doesn't care because this doesn't happen to him. I will stop playing minetown if crap like this continues to ruin the server.
over 13 years ago