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[E] popocan
[E] popocan
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Username: popocan When you were banned : 9/9/11 Person who banned you: I don't know. Reason you were banned: Maybe because i griefed a unsecured obsidian Ruin/Fort.
over 13 years ago
This is maybe why i'm banned. I bought a portal element and made a portal, the portal ended in the nether. but when i used it again, i was landing at a Obsidian ruin or something. I found out that the area was unsecured, and there for i mined the obsidian. If that's why i'm banned, i have a solution: I put all the obsidian blocks, and half stoneslabs that i griefed back.
over 13 years ago
Can somebody please tell me, why I and my friend casper0410987 are banned?
over 13 years ago