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[E] nigelbein
[E] nigelbein
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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No, but as I'm unbanned (and have returned the house to it's original state, and removed the locks on everything )the point is moot. Next time I wish to take a house, I'll verify it first!
over 13 years ago
Username: nigelbein When you were banned : September 11th, 2011 Person who banned you: Not sure. Reason you were banned: Not sure. I played yesterday, and went out and found a deserted, unclaimed, and unlocked house out in an area where I could build and mine. I decided to claim it, and if it belongs to someone else, I'm really, really sorry: if there's any way to give it back, I'll do it. I tried to log on today, and it said I was banned. If I was banned because I took a house that was already built, I'm sorry, I figured that since it was deserted, unclaimed, and unlocked, I could take it. If that was wrong, I'm sorry, and I'll return it to whoever owns it- I only took it because I wanted somewhere safe I could teleport to if I was attacked while I mined for iron and gold. If there's anyway to get un-banned, please let me know! I love MineTown so far, and really want to play more!
over 13 years ago