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[E] nick7269
[E] nick7269
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over 14 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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Well, well, well.....long time no see eh? I see a few things have changed since I have been on vacation. I thought I would stop by again and hang out for a minute. I'm interested in checking out this skymining thingy you got going on. Sounds like a lot of fluff and air to me, but whatever.... I can't commit to a lot of time like before because conditions of my parole require me to keep a steady job (and stay away from computers). The second part is more of a suggestion.... Anyways, I look forward to exercising some of my creative skills and learning some basics again. Hope to see you guys around soon! sincerely nick
over 6 years ago
I would like to suggest that you clearly post your town rules. I mean they are posted in writing somewhere in plain view. When you add a new member to the town you ask them to read the rules for your town. Now this is a protection for you the town owner and the new builder. There are no secrets, everything is laid out in black and white for all to read. Personally this is how I prefer to operate my town. I'm trying to make sure there are no surprises. This is how I suggest other towns to operate. Just my 2 cents
over 13 years ago
Coffeey wrote: TPrezzle the Disgruntled wrote: >.> Why is everyone uploading me and Coffeey now. Cos were epic xD This may sound a little strange, but you guys are allowed to have a open relationship on this server. We will not in any way hold this against you. Actually it should help make people understand that the world is changing. We may not always understand, but we should be more understanding to other peoples way of life. Don't worry guys, you have my vote.
over 13 years ago
This is confusing to me. How do you get evicted from something you own? Need to hear the town owners view here.
over 13 years ago
You see kids? Drugs are bad.
over 13 years ago