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[E] mrbaconbitts [1]
[E] mrbaconbitts [1]
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over 11 years ago
mrbaconbitts and jonnycakes47
over 12 years ago
I am going to start this thread for any other players who are in the same boat as me. When mystcraft was disabled I am unable to get back on the server as you all probably know already. Problem is deleting the player data file is a bad way to fix this. While it will enable a player to get back onto the server, it does also delete any research they have completed in ThaumCraft. I know many other people, including myself, have progressed very far into TC and have spent countless materials on it just to have it thrown away. I know Italy has been working hard to try to fix the issues Mystcraft is causing but well I thought it would a good idea to put this out here just in case. Anyway to get to the point I need to get my player data reset but I do believe I an entitled to a refund due to the circumstances, as well as anyone else who has to have their player data deleted. So below I will include a list of items I know I had on me. 1 - Wand of Excavation - Charging 1, Treasure 2, Potency 2 1 - Sword of the Zephyr ( Half broken) - Disjunction 3, Sharpness 4, Vorpal 2, some other meaningless enchant 1 - Shovel of the Earthmover 1 - Googles of Revealing (Half Broken) - Prot 4 1 - Thaum Robe (Chest) - repair 2, Prot 4 1 - Thaum Robe (Legs) - repair 2, fire prot 3 1 - Thaum Robe ( Feet) - prot 4, haste 3, repair 2 1 - Pickaxe of the Core - Repair 2, silk touch 1 1 - Axe of the Stream - Repair 2, Unbreaking 3, Eff 4 1 - Arcane bore + Arcane bore base 1 - Electric Tree Tap 1 - Portal Gun(Default) 2 - Arcane Alembic 2 - Canvas Bags - Contents 64 - Gold ingots 128 - Iron Ingots 64 - Electronic Circuits 200ish - Copper cable 64 - coal 12 - Rubber tree saplings 8 - Glass fiber Cable + whatever I can get refunded for all the lost items used in researching TC. Anything else I had on me is unimportant and I do not care about. What is another issue
over 12 years ago
I don't mean to be a dick, but is this the only way? I have a good amount of my items on me, not cheap items either and I would rather not lose them. I could see this as being my fault if there was a warning but this was rather quite sudden.
over 12 years ago
Thanks for the reply's, that would explain the inability for me to trace its origin or what exactly causes it.
over 12 years ago