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- over 13 years ago
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Hi, So, yesterday, I logged on and found two signs at my /home telling me I need to move my castle and its protection, and to "please contact an admin for assistance" - reason being that Natedog feels I'm too close to his pre-existing castle (to be fair, you can see one while standing outside the other - I thought the distance was OK but I guess I should have checked first). I opened a petition requesting an admin to move the castle out of sight of Natedog's pad (it's a big castle, 129x129 with stuff built on the surface and at bedrock); I logged back on today to see Danni had closed the petition, with the comment, "no, move it yourself". I'd already been told by another mod that I'd be able to get help moving it, after I petitioned to check that the signs were genuine; so I'm a bit confused and I'd just like an admin to confirm whether it can be moved. If it's possible, but requires a donation, I'm happy to meet the cost rather than repeat weeks of work. My region is "lordplace". Thanks in advance.
over 13 years ago
As I said, I was doing a few at once, but the last two sites according to my history were and; those were the ones which would have been open when it popped up.
over 13 years ago
I got the "Strathclyde Police" screen-locking popup while going through the voting sites just now, can't remember which one, I was loading a bunch of them at once. If it happens to anyone else, note that it locks out Task Manager and alt-tab, but you can still Alt-F4 to make it go away. If you haven't heard of it, basically it's a fullscreen popup - kind of official-looking except for the usual broken English - claiming that Strathclyde police's cyber team have detected hax and pr0n at your IP address and locked your computer, and you should pay a fine to unlock it.
over 13 years ago
Name: Dave Age: 28 Birthday: Usually not a good idea to post it online <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Hobbies: Computer games, books & writing, music, soap-dodging, caffeine. Likes: Games without win conditions, William Burroughs, fantasy, civilised discussions, logic, quantum physics (strictly on a whoa-dude-that's-awesome level, I'm no scientist), postmodernism, The Devils Blood, Skrillex, Melechesh, Atari Teenage Riot, messing around in Renoise and Cool Edit, days when I don't have to get up before noon, Bill Hicks as a comedian. Dislikes: Lag, first-person shooters, gritty-realism fiction, kitchen-sink fiction, soap-opera fiction, people using their feelings as an argument, Coldplay (and all similar drizzly turn-of-the-century whine-rock that grew out of trying to ape Radiohead's most boring songs), Eye-beef-ar dance music, smoking bans, Bill Hicks as a hippy polemicist, people complaining about scientists spending money on "pure" (i.e. not immediately monetisable) research, American political word-twisting e.g. "conservative", "liberal", "socialist", bad journalism, opinion columnists in newspapers, meetings, schedules, task lists, Gantt charts, pointless dress codes, the tragic loss of the mullet as a socially acceptable hairstyle, Facebook, GooglePlus, LinkedIn, whatever new social network has been launched in the five minutes since I started writing this, and above all, the kind of miserable, whingeing pillock whose Dislike list is twice as long as his Like list. Oh, and Carrot Top.
over 13 years ago
I was trying to join by donating, but I'm getting a 404 error from the web-page after the "remember to use /buy craft" popup, and /donate in game is just telling me "something went wrong" - is this a problem on my end or is the donation system not working atm?
over 13 years ago