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[E] heatherhorrible
[E] heatherhorrible
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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I have to say.. the DeadMau5 skin is pretty sweet.
over 13 years ago
I VOTE BRING HIM BACK! Agreeing with NavySeal, he is being mature about it by admitting his wrong doing. Anyone could have made the same mistake. Especially being new to the server. I can see that he posts a lot on the forums and is obviously very much into helping the ever growing world of Minetown. He was also very helpful to me when he responded right away to one of my threads which got my game back up and running after accidentally updating my game. That being said, I really hope some admin or mod sees this and reconsiders the ban.
over 13 years ago
I accidentally updated already x_x Is there any way I can reverse the update?
over 13 years ago