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[E] gh515
[E] gh515
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over 12 years ago
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over 2 years ago
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Player wanting to claim: gh515 Current Owner of claim: Unknown (Zooum checked the logs and these three builds are so old that there is no data for them. They are also not claimed. XYZ Location of claim: -2687 / -27 Screenshot of land: Attached Reasons for wanting to claim the land: These three builds are really old and undeveloped. They sit directly across the rails from my land and I would like permission to demolish them. I am considering eventually expanding my claim that way. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: There is no identifiable owner, attaching SS of Zooum mentioning that there are no logs available for these builds.
over 3 years ago
Player wanting to claim: gh515 Current Owner of claim: finster1247 XYZ Location of claim: -3068.525 / 65 / -91.815 Screenshot of land: Attached Reasons for wanting to claim the land: The claim is a small claim with only one small hut near a claim/build of mine. I would like to expand into this area and wouldn't mind helping finster relocate. It is near one of the spawn rail train stations. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Attached, messaged in-game, doesn't appear they have a forum account.
over 3 years ago
Player wanting to claim: gh515 Current Owner of claim: ttuurrttllee XYZ Location of claim: -2992.664 / 63 / 88.531 Screenshot of land: Attached. What is seen in the provided screenshot is basically all that is there. Reasons for wanting to claim the land: The claim is near my original home and is essentially a bare plot. There is a partial structure that is an eyesore. I want to regenerate the area or develop it into something nice. It is directly next to one of the spawn rail train stations. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Attached, messaged in-game, doesn't appear they have a forum account.
over 3 years ago
Player wanting to claim: gh515 Current Owner of claim: Mega187 XYZ Location of claim: -2932.426 / 65 / 68.512 Screenshot of land: Attached Reasons for wanting to claim the land: The claim is near my original home and is an 11x11 bare plot. I want to regenerate the area or develop it into something nice. It is directly next to one of the spawn rail train stations. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Attached, messaged in-game, doesn't appear they have a forum account.
over 3 years ago
Hey friends! I wasn't sure who to reach out to but wanted to see if I could get a Veteran tag? I think I joined in May of 2012! Thank youuuuu! -gh
over 4 years ago