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[E] creeper_turtle
[E] creeper_turtle
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over 12 years ago
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Minetown is the clan name
over 11 years ago
Hi, JC and I took it upon ourselves to make a minetown clan on c-o-c, I encourage all minetown members who play the game to join it. It's specifically just for minetown! I just wanted to put it out there, that will be all
over 11 years ago
Sorry for posting again, but a lot has changed about my life. Minecraft IGN: Creeper_turtle Age: 13 What time of day would you be most available to run events? (Please also specify a timezone): I would be able to run events anytime after 4 pm EST How many hours per week do you play (average)? How long have you been in Minetown?: Most weeks about 45-50, but sometimes people have got to live, see family, and other relative stuff. On the busy weeks like that id say about 10-20 hours. I have been with Minetown for over a year now Do you have any close friends in Minetown?: Yes, Mischy, who has helped me with my personal life problems that I've had. Leron, hes just always there (sometimes). Then there is zakarls who doesn't really come on as much anymore, but he is a really close friend of mine. Those are the main really close friends I have. I try to get along with everyone on minetown anyway. What kind of events would you specialize in?: I would mainly specialize in building and also parkour events, but I would gladly do any event that you ask of me. What ideas do you have for future events (Give details and features you will use)?: Well, parkour events as I said, and building. I would also like to use some of my very own events that I made, I think most people would really enjoy them. Have you ever participated (in) or ran any official/unofficial events? Please tell us what you did and how it went: I have now participated in many many events. Mischy has allowed me to help host one of them before, I really enjoyed the king of the ladder event that was held a few weeks ago. All of the events that I have been apart of have went pretty well, other then one on Gardiner_1's server that he had, it didn't go so well. He didn't have the area protected and people just started to grief. Do you have any experience hosting events?: I have hosted many events on other servers, and this one as well. Most of which on this server have been unofficial. Tell us about your experience in some of the plugins we use (WorldEdit, WorldGuard, CraftBook, ServerSigns, ToggleableAreas etc.): I have quite a bit of experience with it in the past, I haven't really been using it recently, but I am sure I will remember everything I knew about it. On my own server (that is now just a private thing for me and my friends) I used those plugins in the spawn, for the shops, and so people wouldn't grief. I used world edit to help make the spawn. What do you think the hardest part of making and hosting events is?: Honestly, I think the time spent in making the events look good, I mean, I wouldn't want a trashy parkour course. The course itself isn't that complicated, but the decoration can be a big pain. Making sure people don't try and cheat or explaining to the people what the event is (no offense to anyone). Why do you think you are a better person than other applicants?: Well, personally, I am probably no better or worse then any of the other applicants. I just think that the application shows a lot, how much time and effort goes into it. I see some people post an application that is very short and even a bit derpy. I also am on the server nearly every day for hours. Why do you consider Event staff over Moderation staff?: Well, first off, this is what I would rather do, host events then moderate the server. well, that's pretty much it, I would rather host fun events then moderate. Quick! Think outside the box! Now what?!: 50 shades of LochieChoccie Do you have Skype, and can you use it for regular communication?: Yes I can, just pm me for the name (too many stalkers these days) Tell us about yourself!: Well, I am vegetarian, I have 7 seven pet turtles. In 8th grade I am going to be taking online classes, so in-between assignments I could work on events, that also mean that I will be able to get in more playing time because no bus rides home. One of my friends nick name that they hate is Pewty Tutie, she will never see this so I ok with posting it :3 I really like the Minetown servers because they have such dedicated members and staff, I love to just conversate with people about random things. Okay, well that's me - Turtle
over 11 years ago
Not only iron golems, but also snow golems, now that is just outrageous
over 11 years ago