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I think you missed the part. Where I didnt flame anyone? And where I apologized and agreed to return what was stolen. Oh wait I cant find those posts anymore as they were deleted. As as you your staff. The only one I have a problem with is the 19 year old child making her law on the spot when from my understanding she isnt even a forum admin? I posted 3 times agreeing to what was asked. Im not irrational. I broke the rules and apologized. Now I understand after this is closed you will forget about this and forget it happeened. But lets look at the facts. I apologized. I said Id fix it. Me and my friends tried to fix it by gathering the ite4ms into a chest like she asked. The PEs were closed by her after they tried over and over to get it resolved. Read what I posted. When the hell did I troll. I didnt they all trolled eachother in MY appeal. I typed 3 posts. One of which was deleted. It read Go ask damoogle for theitems he has them. And was consqeuently ignored. Your community is large but its the same as every other one BTW Just because ive spent so much time on forums now. Here is my troll. Lolol hipster bitch. Spend more time on minecraft because its cool and whats happening, because being unconventional is cool, slut. I hear blocks being stuck up your vag is hot? Or perhapes I should threaten to do it myself. OH WAIT your in the UK I could do that althrough im pretty sure there is no extradition for verbal threats. So im going to HAVE to go over there with a wooden block and shove it up your ass, BECAUSE ITS COOL AND WHATS HAPPENING. Stupid hipster bitch.
over 13 years ago
You locked my previous thread but failed to discern why it was unresolved? I did everything she asked? And we did all we could to obide by her requests. As a customer, which if you say Im not your wrong I payed my dues, this is highly unnacceptable. My suggestion to whomever is in charge. Keep a tighter leash on whomever deals with these issues. Getting both sides of the story it is more work but more professional. With the expansion of your server and the undoubted rise in donations. I would think it would be preferable to avoid such situations. That being said, you can continue to let people run around being one sided and aggrivating your player bases with irrational and unprofessional behavior. Or you can stop them in order to avoid these types of debocles. By the way if you check the forums you locked. I did everything asked of me. The only ones trolling were Danni and Skyborne. And a heads up if I dont get unbanned given the amount of irrationality ive had to deal with on minecraft? Ill get my 5 bucks back. Purely out of principal as it is such a tiny sum and normally not worth my time. Thanks, Xifer007
over 13 years ago
Some of the items are on my character, the others Damoogle has. Ask him.
over 13 years ago
My name is Xifer007 I was banned on the fourth of september. Skyborne asked me to be banned. I wont do it again. Sorry that I took things. It wont happen again. On a side note they are both rl friends of mine. If you couldnt tell from thier posts. This is more of a personal issue than a minecraft one. That being said I wont do it again as it is server rules.
over 13 years ago