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[E] Xartezerus420
[E] Xartezerus420
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over 13 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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please make it where i can get back on the server been really looking forward to getting back online.
over 11 years ago
ok thank you!
over 11 years ago
I understand that obtaining items this way degrades the actual survival experience and i had not read the updated rules yet i apologize for that, and to all the other players that i may have taken possible diamonds from i am sorry.
over 11 years ago
ok my computer lags really bad i use the one at my work so the chunks take a while to load so i unintentionally would c them in the distance so i would mine in that direction and would find the diamonds i apologize for exploiting my lag to benifit me in this way.
over 11 years ago
sorry it has been remade
over 11 years ago