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[E] TheBioOrange
[E] TheBioOrange
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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If I ever get out of this mess, I think we'll get along just fine.
over 13 years ago
Well, thanks anyway. You're more helpful than any of the staff has been. Honestly, I don't want to put out any negative feelings here, as a newbie on the scene, but I am really not impressed with these guys. At all. I may have to move on to another server.
over 13 years ago
I'll try, what commands are there, like /pe "something"? I've never heard of them.
over 13 years ago
Oh, did I forget to list those? Yeah, /spawn "cannot be used in this area", /MVTP can't be, like I said, and that applies to all MVTP locations, and /help, "cannot be used in this area", which to me is ridiculous. Also, I should clarify, when I say I can't talk, I've never BEEN able to talk. Not since I first logged in. So I wasn't muted or anything.
over 13 years ago