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[E] Stimky
[E] Stimky
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over 9 years ago
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over 9 years ago
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Yes I have Un-installed hacks, that aren't allowed on the server.I also re-read the rules, and understood them. I abused exploits in MineTown's NoCheat+ Plugin, and abide to follow the rules. I learned that I do enjoy the MineTown community and will never do anything foolish to get banned from it again. I would likely not get appealed if I was banned again.
over 9 years ago
username: CarmineKing date banned: 2015/05/22 person who banned me: Leron reason banned: Fly Hacking. I have waited my stay in the Juve-Cubes. I'm ready to re-join MineTown. I am sorry for causing sooo much trouble and being very rude and immature. I apologize to everybody for my horrible actions and wrong-doings. I have learned my lesson, and will never try anything stupid again. -CarmineKing ================
over 9 years ago
I have been banned and have decided that its time for me to leave the MineTown community. Anybody wanting to claim my town; /warp CarmineTown, or /home CarmineKing Town. Feel free to msg me. I really DON'T care who recieves my land. Enjoy my WhiteCastle(Fast-Food Restaurant) Shop. FREE OF CHARGE. Guess the most fairest way to give away my land is; - FIRST PERSON TO REPLY TO THIS THREAD, SAYING THEY WOULD LIKE IT. WILL RECEIVE IT! or However a mod would like to sort this out. au revoir MineTown!
over 9 years ago
lol xD <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago