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[E] Steelersfan7510
[E] Steelersfan7510
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Today i got griefed and when i was talking to people about it admins got pissed off and said to keep it private. So they kicked me. And when i got back on someone asked me a question about it and i responded. Next thing i know BAN! wtf? So i guess replying to questions is an instant ban here...cool...
over 13 years ago
What the hell? now im banned for responding to his comments???????
over 13 years ago
He isnt the town owner!!!!!!!!!!! and i never had to worry about this before because i know the owner very well and he would never do this to me!
over 13 years ago
First of all why would you auction off someones house? I was on vacation for a month out of the country and when i got back my house was griefed and chests empty. Btech said i was inactive so he did it....well no S**T! when im out of country on vacation im obviously gonna be inactive! he said that last night he opened my chests....but before that he said a week ago??? then he returned some diamond and a sword and said i got more than was stolen?????? yeah no, i have a picture on my phone of just ONE chest that was robbed. He also went on to tell me that some chests were unlocked before he unlocked them....but not the one that was completely wiped clean and was full of diamonds and valuables. Zionia keeps kicking me for yelling when obviously im gonna be mad after ive been robbed and no one will listen! please someone reasonable help me.
over 13 years ago
Today while playing minecraft i warped to my store to collect my profit of last week. Well when i got there there my store was gone. What the H E double hockey sticks is going on. Half of the underground market is gone and there is a new store in my lot. I have no idea what is going on someone please help.
over 13 years ago