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- over 13 years ago
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Pyre thanks for being nice to me while ive been on this server, but its not worth it anymore. Theyve turned everyone against me. Thanks for being so helpful while i was here though you were one of the few cool mods. I appreciate that. Im moving to Vaultcraft, twice the uptime, no rollback, and the shops work like there supposed to. Thank you though.
over 13 years ago
Actually no, im a really nice person. But predspread took his screenies and won a onesided arguement making you hate me. They were the ONLY people i talked to like that, because i was treated as such first. I never provoked anything. You guys just took his side and didnt give me a chance. Its fine, your not the only good MC server out there, im sure i can find one that doesnt go down every ten minutes and roll back 20 hours too. I love you minetown stay golden <3
over 13 years ago
Whatever, thanks alot. This is why you guys are being DDOSed. Friendly staff my white ass. Go rot <3
over 13 years ago
Danni your the only mod who saw that I was the only one out of line. MANY other members AND mods said they didnt think I should be punished. This was my FAVORITE server but now I was jailed for 10 hours, then banned because your probably friends with the ones I was fighting with. Im a helpful, kind player and just because one small group of friends didnt like me you jailed me and then banned me when I understandably got mad about it. 10 hours? 10 HOURS for getting in an arguement? You should be a good mods and check the logs, look at the disgusting and VULGAR things predspread and them said about me and my friends. Nothing I said was that bad, which has been said by many players. Also id like to bring to attention the fact that I tried MULTIPLE times to /ignore them and it wasnt working. I think I just got railroaded, this is ridiculous and unfair. Now I have to go onto some second-hand server and start over all because 4 or 5 of you dont like me. Danni this is so one sided and Your a terrible mod if you didnt first HEAVILY evaluate BOTH sides, Thats a mods job. This is so ridiculously unfair. I could see if EVERYONE on the server hated me but so many people there liked me, i had alot of friends and people I helped. Your ridiculous, Hopefully this matter will catch the ear of a better mod such as Zionia or stryk, someone that knows how to manage a server fairly. I am requesting for a different mod un attached to the people i was arguing with to review this, danni was unfair and rude, and called me an "ass" after she jailed me.
over 13 years ago
DarthZimmeris wrote:Scoobs420 wrote:And if I hear one more of those cursed "but then I took an arrow to the knee" jokes on youtube or anywhere else for that matter, im liable to hurt someone xD I used to play Minecraft a lot, but then I took a creeper to the knee. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> Thats it....wheres my Idiotstick... Time to do some beatin!
over 13 years ago