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[E] Sayomie
[E] Sayomie
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over 13 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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With these changes I think that we should look at re implementing a AFK Kicker or fixing the plugin that prevents players from obtaining claim blocks while afk. This will make it so that your income is actually based on how much time you play and not on how much time you spend afk in the game. Also I would personally consider a player that is afk and obtaining claim blocks to be afk farming since they are obtaining a commodity from being afk in the game.
over 8 years ago
I will also look into if I can use a sign to allow me to make it so that mobs can only spawn when there is a player in that room as well to prevent them from spawning when I am close by
over 8 years ago
My apologies, when I went AFK i had turned off the spawner room for the zombies and skellies, Someone must have used the farm in the time I was AFK and forgot to turn it off after they left. In the future I will make sure to AFK well away from the spawner room so that even if that happens I will be outside of the spawn radius of the mob spawners
over 8 years ago
Username: Sayomie555 When you were banned : 12/08/2016 Person who banned you: Crush Reason you were banned: AFK Farming? I was standing in my base with all of the auto farming mechanics disabled. The spot I was standing in was right in front of the controls that disable my auto farming mechanics. Spider Farm - DIsabled Villager Farms - Disabled Reed Farm - Disabled Melon Farm - Disabled Skeleton/Zombie farm - Disabled Upper Wheat Farm - Fully grown ( Not a full auto farm ) Im not sure what is left that could be considered afk farming, I specifically built the shut off switches there so I would be able to afk in my base with out afk farming.
over 8 years ago
If you are not getting the check marks I would recommend logging onto the server before voting, and watching chat after you vote to make sure that you are getting the credits. So long as you are getting the credits it is counted. If you are trying for top voter I would recommend using the list at http://pearlmc.net/vote/ It is also part of the Eximius Gaming network and has one more voting site available. Pretty much every top voter uses that list instead to get ahead. Good luck and thanks for voting for the server <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 8 years ago