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[E] Reggief
[E] Reggief
Enjin Archive
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over 14 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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Reggief Please and thank you!
over 12 years ago
Don't know if this has been said at all but I think some challenges SHOULDNT take away the items that require them to be complete(If possible). The ones where you collect crops, wood, gunpowder, etc, they can take the items. But the one where you need like maps and compass and shit should not remove items from inventory. Same goes with the morebeef and a few others.
over 12 years ago
Why will transmitters only be placed by staff? What was it doing
over 12 years ago
Hey my name was on that thread. I like seeing my name. I was important back in the day hahahaha. Pennepasta... -112 kudas like a NOOB. I remember when I banned Checkers... kid thought it was legal to use one of those digging mods, what a fool. God damnit I was a BOSS back in the day, all over dat shit.
over 12 years ago
Haha yeah its a joke. That was from an old 4chan board that had some horrible scary "battlestations".. ones with piss jugs and cigarettes littering the ground... so nasty.
over 12 years ago