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[E] Redshii
[E] Redshii
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over 13 years ago
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about 1 year ago
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Tbh Minetown is actually more in the process of being revived than dieing. Months ago we had way less players. The reason we have less players online is that because people are more interested in minigames rather than playing SMP, which i understand too. But like i said months ago things were worse and the staff is doing a great job. Just have patience, things will chance.
over 10 years ago
In for the win. Looking forward to kick soccers butt again.
over 11 years ago
Hi guys, I feel like i should inform you all about my activity the past 3-4 months.. Some of you know that i was in my last year and that i passed my exams 2 weeks ago. I thought i would have a lot of leisure in my summer break, but when you think you have, things turn out different as expected. Last 2-3 weeks have really tired me. My girlfriend did not pass on first instance and she had to redo 1 of her exams to pass and i have been helping her nearly every day in the last 2 weeks. Last friday she had to redo it and there were a lot of problems during that exam, so she was in a lot of stress and she filed a complaint. A tons of things happened between her - school - state. I could write a book of that, but after a lot of talking she decided to withdraw her complaint to finally get to know her mark. They didn't want to tell her the mark untill everything had been sorted out and that could take 3-4 weeks. She didnt want to be in uncertainty for such a long time. A hour ago we heard that she had a sufficient mark to pass her subject, but not her exams (we have new stupid rules in our school system to pass your exams). This means she has failed and has to do grown-up school in the evening. She really needs my support now.. And if you think that this is it: no. After having all this it turned out my mother has MS (Multiple Sclerosis). So within our family we have our worries now too.. They are now getting the results of a few tests and we hope the best of it.. Well as you know i am passed, my new school is asking a lot of information of me and that is taking away my leisure too.. plus i have to work.. Its pretty much 0 leisure time. Next week i will go on vacation with some friends, a week where i can forget this things a bit and get some peace. Once i start with my study i hope most of the things will go back as normal, meaning i should have time again than. Im really sorry for all this.. I hope i have your understanding for all of this. I hope to see you back again in full attention at the beginning of September. (this doesnt mean i wont play / look on the forums / etc during my summer break, just that im inactive..) I hope you all take care during my absence and i hope to see you again soon, i miss you guys <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object> -Nemenix
over 11 years ago
Very very nice Danni, this is going to be really nice, good work <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
over 11 years ago
Wawon wrote: how will taxes help when mods can just spawn in money If you even have any proof of mods spawning MTC for their own uses, fill in a report instead of just accusing us here, we are simply not allowed to do it and we do not have any reason to do it either. So if you dont have proof, please, shh..
over 12 years ago