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[E] PvtSnoflake
[E] PvtSnoflake
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over 13 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Thank you very much, I will make sure you never have troubles with me again
over 11 years ago
Username: xXNavySealXx When you were banned : A long time ago, probably over a year, i haven't tried connecting to the server in months Person who banned you: I do not know Reason you were banned: It was soo long ago and when I try to connect it says pre 1.2.3 import so it doesn't give me a reason. Whatever it was I did get banned for I will take full responsibility for and I am sorry for my actions. Server: The main server
over 11 years ago
Username: xXNavySealXx When you were banned : I do not know Person who banned you: Do not know Reason you were banned: Pre 1.2.3? Server: Classic (Main) I use to play on this server a lot about a year ago and when I just went to login and start playing again I got a message saying banned for pre 1.2.3? Can someone please explain this to me.
over 11 years ago
nilnahtanoj i hope you get unbanned and am happy Parkerjdude forgives you
over 13 years ago
MineCraft Username: xXNavySealXx Position(s) Applying For: 1.Mall Manager 2.City Builder 3.Mall Staff Why Should I Hire You?: You should hire me because I am very strict and will get stuff done ASAP. I take pride in everything I do and don't care about making money only having an effect on the minetown community. Everything that I do for you will be 100% effort and you will never in a million years be mad you gave me the job. Hope you hire me. What Skills Do You Possess That Are Relevant To The Position?: I am a hard worker, organized, strict, fast, resourceful, creative, and very moitvated Avg. Time On MineTown Weekly: 20-40 hours all matters on what my week looks like but I do play a lot on weekends Why Do You Want To Be A Part Of This City?: I want to make this the best city on the server and have a big impact on the community. I want to show that all the young teens on this server are responsible and can do tasks that adults can do to. You will not be ashamed of hiring me and I will even work for no pay.
over 13 years ago