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[E] MankeyJohn
[E] MankeyJohn
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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hello, Yes it is. I forced myself to do something that doesn't involve C4D because I Us that ALLOT. This is a bit of photoshop for teh logo, a quick ten min job, and then the reset of the effects are done in After Effects. Mankey John
over 13 years ago
Hello, Hmm Wow that would be good. It can be done but my feild is more Cinema 4D, fireworks and photoshop. Thanks Mankey John
over 13 years ago
Hello, Thanks, Just that might as well get it in MC Edit and not let it go to waste. Thanks, Mankey John
over 13 years ago
Hello, As you can see by the subject It my gaming Intro. I like to make gaming 'Intros and I posted this thread to see what other people think of my work. It's not a "sub 4 sub" Or getting more views, I would just like people to give me constructive criticism, That does not mean writing "It f**king sucks, go die", to help me make more and maybe create a website so that I can sell, or give away my work. Thanks and I hoped you liked it. Please comment on this thread If you would like anything to say. I am open to doing 'intros for people but I has to have a tutorial and I don't wont to be doing anything I have done before so try and keep it New. I have put the hole after effects file into a .RAR witch is 2.6Mb in size below, or you can find it in the videos disscription Download Virus Scan I didn't know what you're forum is like on downloads and viruses so I just put a virus scan in there just in case. Thanks, Mankey John
over 13 years ago
Hello, Thanks for you're impot guys. And thats what I thought. I woudn't ask for the 1.7 server because I can doso much stuff to that, copy buildings, make my own false minetown and earn money from it, but I was looking around and I didn't see anything connecting to minetown and also it was a temp server. I asked a In-game mod if it would be possable and he said maybe. If sawine don't see this tomorrow I will give him a PM and see if it's cool. Thanks Mankey John
over 13 years ago