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[E] JBellaa
[E] JBellaa
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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know and i am really sorry =[ i just really hope i have a small chance of being unbanned. If there anything i can do to lift the ban or help lift the ban...like anything?
over 13 years ago
oops sorry i didnt no she got jailed the first :I i just heard she for jail then banned i didnt no if she got a warning but anyways i could be ok along time jail,like a LONG time jail instead of a perm. ban. you watch if u give people a 3 chance u will see a change in them...well for me u would and u kinda only gave me 1 warning because the first time u said the next time ur banned and the second time u banned so if i would of got 2 warnings i would of got banned the 3 time i did it but i still like 1.warning 2.warning but jail/kick 3. ban perm. 4.Goodbye! 5.new server but trust me! i not a really a fast learner but if you give 2 warnings i promise i will get it in my head!
over 13 years ago
Please give me a 3 chance! Its the first time i EVER messed and played on this kind of server. Why couldnt you have jailed me for awhile...i would accpet jail for a awhile. How come you jailed lildyl THEN banned her and you just ban me right off the back. I bet lil played longer then me and she still got jailed first Please why cant i get jailed first! 1.warning 2.jail/kick 3.perm. ban Thats sounds ligit how about you? Please please jail me instead!! ill do my time in jail for as long as u want! please comment back
over 13 years ago
Username: Jessbella317 When you were banned : 10-25-11 Person who banned you: Lomanic Reason you were banned: I Griefed maldorian's house by stealing a breaking things. I didnt follow the rules and im sorry! I didnt listen the second and i want to say thank you danni for not banning me the first time and giving me a second chance. Im sorry i blew it the second time i dont no what as going though my head. I so sorry for everything! i want to be completly honset.
over 13 years ago
And i broke a few blocks and i am SO SORRY for that and now i no that if i grief i will get ban but i returned the blocks because i thought i was gonna get banned so i put it back thinking ok its backs im fine but i got banned and i so very very very very very very very very very very very sorry!
over 13 years ago