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[E] Heroic Vandal
[E] Heroic Vandal
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over 11 years ago
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over 3 years ago
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Player wanting to claim: herobrine5627 Warp name to land: /home herobrine5627 landclaimrequest Screenshot of land: http://imgur.com/D1hd1fI Reasons for wanting to claim the land: When I started my town, I was building with darkwolfofnight, and he claimed half of my house. He hasn't been on for over 10 months, and I don't want to take any chances of him coming back and having the power of messing with my belongings in the house. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: DarkWolfOfNight doesn't have an account on the forums, I was unable to contact him. -Pljz is my proof.
over 8 years ago
My brother, BlueNinja2015, was using an x-ray mod on this server, and got banned. Seconds later, I logged in make sure that I wasn't banned, but banned me right after. I really want to get back on this server, but I don't know how to prove that I am not BlueNinja2015, or how to prove that he can't log into my account, except saying that I'm not him, and that he can't log into my account.
over 9 years ago
============= Username: herobrine5627 When you were banned : 7/10/2015 Person who banned you: I don't know Reason you were banned: For being on the same ip as BlueNinja2015 =============
over 9 years ago
I am willing to buy mob heads from people such as enderman, creeper, and players! Post on this thread if you are willing to sell me some!
over 10 years ago
Ok the server is back on.
over 10 years ago