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[E] HappyHomeGuy
[E] HappyHomeGuy
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Now the closest warp is in town, it's warp creepycactus.
over 12 years ago
Closest warp is /warp eggmanland. The desert adjacent to it is where my town is located!
over 12 years ago
Hello! I would like to protect my town today. I have put a cobble parameter around the area I would like protected already, it's still in development so I need a little more room to put in plots. - It's a town called Happy Village - I want to give Nameless5511 editing rights to edit the property - Currently includes 1 art(dye,pictures) shop, 1 potion cantina, 1 radio station, 1 labyrinth, 1 pvp arena, 1 storage depo, my personal residence, 1 town hall,1 battle shop, all to be connected with New Orleans and Eggmanland via subway
over 12 years ago
I would gladly invest all my points to cast gather then many many grenade spells. Sounds like a lot of fun! I was wondering what was up when I was just wandering around an empty and utterly destroyed map.
over 13 years ago