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[E] F15h3r
[E] F15h3r
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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P.S. F15h3r wrote: I just hope this doesn't turn into an "Occupy Spawn" movement. p.s. nobody actually do that, it would be asinine. So...I'm going to do that now, just because you think it would be asinine <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object> (I joke, I joke) *Holds you in contempt*
over 13 years ago
BT, I'll help you as soon as my working commitments (cough ME3) have come to an end. I expect no payment except lots of compliments of how pretty my buildings are. I will also accept compliments in the form of how sumptuous my buildings are. Lastly, minimal lava jobs, I have a tendency to melt.
over 13 years ago
I just hope this doesn't turn into an "Occupy Spawn" movement. p.s. nobody actually do that, it would be asinine.
over 13 years ago
Hello, Glad I ate my breakfast and am alert this morning. Stuff just got real on this forum. I didn't really know TPrezzle and I don't know much about the bans etc. so I will not comment on those. However, I do have two things to say. 1) This thread should not be locked - not my decision of course, but I feel that everyone has been respectful on both sides of the fence and when a thread can grow this large in just a few hours it is obviously an important issue. Unless people start flaming or it all gets a little repetitive then it should stay open. I would argue it's the most important thread I've seen on here for a while. Point the second) I don't think that there is a single person here who thinks collectively that the mods do a bad job. I think as a whole, everyone can agree we are lucky to have present, attentive and fair staff on hand to make the server run smoothly. However, inconsistency can be a problem. I'm not a mod but if I was and enough people were complaining about inconsistencies, I would take it personally as (although inadvertently) it would make me look bad too. If there has been one occasion when a friend of a mod was let off where a non-friend was not, that is one time too many. If there was one time when a pema-ban was given when on another day it was jail, that is one time too many. There are way too many good staff members on this server for there to be so many negative mod posts on this forum right now. I get that you all trust in each other, so you should, how else could it work, but maybe, when there are this many dissenting voices (seemingly from experienced players), there are one or two amongst you going against the grain. Concrete guidelines would be great but hard to implement. Each individual is different and they will react to crimes in different ways. The staff are people too and they are prone to over or underreacting. I think what should ultimately be taken from this latest episode is that mistakes will be made, it's human nature, but, the current system for identifying and punishing these mistakes maybe needs some changes. But we must be patient. I think the staff are willing to make the changes we ask for but if we try and push them through too quickly it will be a disaster. This will take time, and even then it wont be perfect. If you're searching for a perfect server, you'll never find a home. And for the staff, thank you for what you do everyday, your work is vigilant. But please, be vigilant amongst your own ranks too, if there are a couple of bad apples in the bunch then they need to be educated, trained or possibly removed, otherwise all your hard work may be undone. I'm not saying that is the case, but with so much concern in the air, it is worth considering. Everybody keep talking, it shows that you care about this server more than any skyscraper or stadium you build on it. It's Texas independence day y'all - I'm going to drink a brewery, have fun. F15h3r
over 13 years ago
Oh gosh, Wedding season already. I'm going to need a tux and a box of tissues. +1 to any brides or grooms who wear pumpkin helmets or have snow golem best man/maid of honor at their ceremony.
over 13 years ago