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[E] ERIK9960
[E] ERIK9960
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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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Prison Application ERIK9960. I am 11. I live in the western part of the USA. 1 - 6 hours. 2 years. Never been banned. Been a knight in MCS Gaming. No experience in Mine Craft Prison Servers. Reasonable with swords, bows, and punching. The concept is were prisoners have to earn money to buy stuff and try to make it to the next cell block leading up to freedom. I have not spoken much on Mine Town Mumble. I don't have Skype but might get it. Because I'm a good and reasonable person. I have won the Survival Games once the Walls Twice and Sky Block Warriors 5 times in a row. Ways to contact me is by phone: -- Mod edit, do not ever post your phone number online, ever -- Thank you for reading, Erik B. Viets
over 11 years ago