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[E] Duffy
[E] Duffy
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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thank you very much. when will the ban be lifted?
over 13 years ago
ok i give up i guess my brother got on and did that and i know I'm responsible for those who are on my server
over 13 years ago
I didn't know they were unauthorized just saying and i was given not giving
over 13 years ago
please ignore the door open and the yellow wool as this happened about a month ago and i have just heard that the statue was actually taken apart to gain the wool
over 13 years ago
Username: DuffyBros When I was Banned: 1/13/12 Person who banned me: Zionia Reason I was banned: I allegedly stole black wool, a stack of red wool, and some yellow wool from Hayden775's home. I say i didn't do this, and that the shop (who was sold to me by scoobert) was made before the wool was stolen. i did c his door open a few weeks ago and 2 yellow wool lying around it, but i didn't go into his house. also the wool on my shop may have been from the stuff lying around his house, but i know i had bought some wool and colored it yellow for my shop also. i didn't c any black or red wool though. if u think i am still in poses ion of the red, black, or yellow wool you can check my house at /warp na. it is on the right and all of my stuff is in the basement. if u look in there, there will be no black or red wool, mainly because i didn't steal it. thank you for hearing me out and please unbar me as i never steal or grief.
over 13 years ago