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[E] Cryston
[E] Cryston
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over 14 years ago
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over 3 years ago
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I'll try to be more diligent on bringing the server back up, but I only get to play a limited amount and because of the new update severely slowing down my framerate I don't play as much so I don't notice as much.
over 12 years ago
Hey everyone, I've recently returned to Minetown because of the Feed The Beast modpack and have been playing with my friend DarkSteelOne. We were being silly/hillarious one night and decided we'd try making a video of our antics. I hope you guys will watch and hope you enjoy, feel free to give advice. See you all Around
over 12 years ago
Hello there Sayomie, I'm finally back IGN: Cryston
over 12 years ago
Just wanted to hear a final say from Luev about this. Permaban, Locked.
over 13 years ago
He reported the items missing as thievery and he did not say anything about you being in his vault under any valid circumstances. I would be spending forever if I was to try to list all of the missing items from you. If he says that you were there validly, after he had told me otherwise. I may permit you back, but otherwise no.
over 13 years ago