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[E] Airean2004
[E] Airean2004
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over 8 years ago
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over 7 years ago
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nope a griever came, look at spawn on worldmap or check discord
over 7 years ago
1. Minecraft Username: Airean2004 2. Age: 13 3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT +1 Netherlands 4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): 7+ 5. How long have you been a player on Minetown: probably more then a year now 6. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: nope 7. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: yes but not that much in the minetown discord but i talk a lot with friends from the minetown server on discord 8. Why do you think you will make a good member for the event team? Explain: I love to make public things, and i think it would be really fun to help out with the events, because i love helping. I also get allong pretty well with all the players on the server and i think i could help making cool events! 9. Additional info you would like to tell us?: i made a public thing before its called /warp Airmaze and i would love to build more things like this
over 7 years ago
you should try ctrl + w
over 7 years ago
Hi im Airean2004, im also known as Airean or Air. I like to play on minetown and to work on big project with friends or alone. I really like to help people with projects or just recource gathering. I enjoy playing on minetown because a lot of people on the server are very nice and and the staff is very good too. Well then my name: AIRean. I do have a sky base and i do have 2 elytra courses so i think i'm good with my name. Well that was my introduction i guess.
over 8 years ago
I was wondering where i can see when i first joined minetown. I dont mean on the forums but like on the server, i dont even know if its possible but if it is could someone tell me how and where i can see that? Because i think i might be on minetown for almost a year now and i would like to know when that is
over 8 years ago